Do You Need Subutex Rehab After Becoming Addicted to This Opioid Replacement Therapy Drug?
It’s scary to think that a Subutex rehab program is needed after taking this drug. However, it is a drug that is often abused, and it is possible to become addicted to it. It’s possible that this is the situation you’re currently facing as well.
In rare cases, this is a medication that can be used for pain. However, for most people, Subutex is a drug that is used during opioid replacement therapy, or ORT. The goal is for it to replace other opioid drugs, such as heroin or Oxycodone. It is a medication that can help with opiate withdrawal. Unfortunately, people can abuse it, and when they do, they can quickly become dependent on it. Fortunately, there is hope.
Treatment for Subutex addiction is available to those who need it. You may have a lot of questions about whether or not this is right for you. There’s no need to worry because we’re here to answer them all.
Why Would Someone Need Rehab for a Subutex Addiction?
When you first began taking this medication, you did so thinking that it would help you. It’s possible that it did for a little while. Whereas you were once addicted to opiate drugs, you were able to stop taking them successfully. However, it wasn’t long before you began to abuse Subutex.
Once you started, you noticed that the drug gave you a euphoric high. It wasn’t long before you realized that you were right back where you started with addiction.
For most people, becoming addicted to Subutex is actually a secondary or substitute addiction. It’s not the first drug they were ever addicted to. Regardless of their dosage, this means that quitting will be even more difficult for them. This is why you need to consider an excellent treatment program.
Addiction is very hard to beat on your own. You’ll most likely find that having professional support helps you to be successful. The people you’ll be working with have so much experience with this drug. They’ll guide you through the entire process.
Why are Doctors Giving Out Prescriptions for This Medication if it’s Addictive?
You may be wondering why doctors choose Subutex vs. other forms of therapy if it’s addictive. This is a really great question.

The fact is that research supports the use of opioid replacement therapy (ORT) for many people. It has shown to be quite effective in treating various types of addictions. You can find doctors online, as well as private Subutex doctors who are willing to prescribe this medication. However, there are some risks involved, and one of them is the risk of abusing it.
The best way for anyone to use this medication is in combination with a good therapy program. Unfortunately, that’s not always offered to everyone. For those who only take the pills, their risk of substituting addictions is much higher. The rehabs that use Suboxone or Subutex usually include therapy, so their risk is lower.
The ORT trend is one that has been around for several years, and it will likely continue. As long as it does, there will be individuals who form addictions to this drug.
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Read Our BlogWhat Types of Treatment Options are Available?
There is more than one type of treatment facility that helps people with Subutex addictions. This may come as a surprise to you. You need to know that you have options. What’s most important is for you to recover using the method that will work best for you. Remember, long-term healing is the goal.
Withdrawing from Subutex can be a challenge; even for someone who has been a long-time drug user. This is why you should seriously consider detoxing as your first step. Buprenorphine is a very potent drug, even though it is considered to be a milder opiate.
Detoxing is going to help your body eliminate toxins related to the drug. Those toxins may have been there for a very long time, depending on how long you’ve been using. Your body has gotten used to having its regular dose of this medication too. Those two facts combined mean that you need to take steps to eliminate the drug properly.
In your case, a more holistic approach to opiate detox might be appropriate for you. This would not allow you to take any additional medications. It would also promote changes in your diet and incorporating regular exercise. However, some people are candidates for medical detox when they’re addicted to this drug. This would allow you to take medications to help with your symptoms. The right Subutex detox plan will be discussed with you before you begin.
As you go through withdrawals from this drug, you’re likely to experience both physical and mental symptoms. These can include:
- Goose bumps
- A low-grade fever
- Excessive hot or cold sweats
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Muscle cramps
- Mood swings
- Anxiety or panic attacks
- Cravings for more of the drug
Because this is a prescribed drug, you’ll likely be placed on a medical taper. This means that you’ll be given less and less of the medication over time. Tapering is a common tactic used during detox. It can help to control your withdrawal symptoms and make you more comfortable.
There are two kinds of inpatient treatment programs for Subutex addiction. Most people need to enter into a 30-day program. This would include time spent during detox. If this is the method that is right for you, you’ll experience many types of therapy during this time. You’ll work one on one with a therapist, and group therapy sessions will also be a part of your treatment plan.
Sometimes traditional inpatient treatment isn’t enough. Maybe you have a long history of addiction, and you’ve been through rehab before. Or, you might have a home life that isn’t safe for you to return to. In either case, a long-term rehab might be best for you. This is a facility that would allow you to stay for several months at a time. Many offer therapy, or you may be required to go to an intensive outpatient treatment program.
Outpatient rehab is what many people have in mind when they want to recover from addiction. However, you should keep in mind that this might not be right for you. A traditional program would require you to see a counselor on a regular basis. You would choose the schedule that’s right for you and where you are in your recovery. Many times this is excellent follow up care, but it’s not always right as the first approach.
Intensive outpatient treatment for Subutex, on the other hand, could be a possibility. This is a program that would require several appointments throughout the week. You could schedule your sessions around your work schedule and other responsibilities.
Ways You Can Get Help for Subutex Abuse
Maybe at this point, you’re only abusing Subutex. You don’t feel that you’ve become an addict. It’s wonderful if you’re not addicted to this drug, but you still should consider getting help.
Finding a rehab for Subutex might not be the right decision in your case. However, you should seriously think about counseling. There are many therapists in your area that offer help to drug abusers and people with addictions.
Narcotics Anonymous may be another option for you to consider. This would give you that support group component that is usually so important for recovery.
Are You a Candidate for Buprenorphine Rehab? A Quiz Can Help You Find Out
How do you know if you’re a candidate for Buprenorphine rehab? Maybe you’ve been abusing this drug for quite some time, but you’re not sure you’re addicted. Finding out the truth is critical for you at this point. If you’re an addict, going to treatment for your addiction is recommended if you want to quit.
You might want to start by taking a quiz to find out if you need rehab. This may help you look at your drug use in a bit of a different way. At the end of the quiz, you’ll be given recommendations for the appropriate type of treatment.
You could also start by identifying any signs of Subutex addiction in your life. When you’re addicted to a drug, it should be fairly obvious. If you’re not sure after going over this list, ask someone close to you what they think.
Some of the symptoms of addiction to this opiate drug include:
- Regular nose bleeds if you typically crush the drug and snort it
- Collapsed veins if you normally inject this medication
- Significant changes in your mood
- Symptoms that are very similar to having the flue
- Yellowing eyes and skin
- A preoccupation with using this drug
- Making your medication your number one priority
- Panicking if you think you may run out of it
Can you relate to any of these? If you can, it’s time to consider that you may have an addiction.
Do You Have a Loved One Addicted to the Subutex Drug?
It’s incredibly painful when you have a family member who is addicted to Subutex. You feel as though there’s nothing you can do, and your hands are tied. You might even be afraid to bring it up and ask them to quit.
If this is your experience, we want you to know that we understand. Maybe you’ve tried to talk with your loved one, but you were met with anger and defensiveness. If that’s the case, there is one other option that you may want to think about.
It might be time for you to consider having an intervention. Interventions are meetings that include the addict, you, other friends and family, and an interventionist. The meetings are usually held in a neutral location, and the addict won’t know about it beforehand.
This meeting will give you and others a chance to speak your minds. The best part about it is that many addicts are persuaded to ask for help afterwards.
How to Get Off Subutex Quickly on Your Own
Perhaps you’re at the place where you know you need to stop using Subutex. However, you just can’t see yourself going to a rehab facility. This is often the case for people with this type of addiction. You’d rather try to get off the drug all on your own first.
Getting off Subutex fast isn’t as simple as it sounds. If you quit cold turkey, you’re likely to be thrown into severe withdrawal. This carries risks of its own, including the risk of relapsing. It’s not safe to attempt a taper of the drug on your own either.
It is possible to find home remedies for opiate withdrawal online. However, these should be used with extreme caution. They offer advice like:
- Drinking plenty of liquids
- Talking with your doctor
- Taking over the counter medication to help with withdrawal
- Using supplements to aid in detox
- Getting plenty of rest
In theory, these sound like they would be helpful. However, they don’t address the psychological part of the addiction. This is the part that will be covered in Subutex rehab. Unless this component is addressed, the addiction is likely to persist.
Continuing to Use This Drug and Its Side Effects
Subutex does have quite a list of side effects. If you continue to misuse this drug, you’re likely to experience them on an ongoing basis. Some of these can include:
- Mild feelings of euphoria
- Mental and physical relaxation
- Slower breathing rates
- Nausea and vomiting
- Cramping and pain in the muscles
- Dizziness
- Reduced sleep quality
Using this drug long-term is dangerous. You could develop liver disease eventually. People have also experienced cardiovascular collapse and severe respiratory depression.
If you attempt to recover from this addiction at home, you are at a high risk of relapsing. This is because you have no professional support available to help prevent it. Those who relapse on this drug are likely to take too much of it when they start using again. This is what typically results in an overdose on Subutex.
You may not realize it, but if you’ve taken this drug a long time, your tolerance levels have changed. You eventually found that you needed to take higher doses of it to get high. Or, you may have started chewing the pills or even injecting them. These changes made the effects of the drug much more intense.
When you quit using, your tolerance levels dip, and this can happen very fast. When you take a higher dose than your body is expecting, an overdose is the result.
Overdoses on Subutex can be fatal. If you’re a concerned family member who is worried about an overdose, calling 911 immediately is vital. Medication may need to be administered right away to reverse the effects.
The Right Subutex Rehab Options are Available for You
At this point, you may be wondering which Subutex treatment options are right for you. At Northpoint Recovery, we can help you make that decision.
Our goal is to provide you with the type of treatment you need for long-term success in addiction recovery. We realize that this might look different for everyone. We talk with each one of our patients individually to determine what they need. We can also provide you with detoxification services, as well as inpatient treatment. If you need a referral for a different type of care, we’ll be happy to provide that for you as well.
Ignoring an addiction to this drug isn’t going to fix the problem. Addictions only get worse unless they are treated properly. Are you ready to talk about Subutex rehab and what the right course of action is for you? If so, please contact us today and let us know how we can assist you.

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