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AA, NA, and Al-Anon Meetings in Paul, Idaho

Paul, ID Addiction Resources

Looking for addiction help near Paul, Idaho? This is the guide for you!

Drug addiction and alcoholism are huge problems in Idaho. Experts estimate that 110 out of every 100,000 residents died of an overdose in 2017.

In other words, it’s quite an issue.

But, too many addicts avoid seeking help. Oftentimes, it’s because they don’t know where to go.

Fortunately, we’ve compiled this guide. If you are looking for addiction help in the Paul area, this article should help you find it. We’ll discuss AA meetings and NA meetings, as well as drug detox and rehab programs around Paul.

Hopefully, it helps you find the support you need.

If you’re ready to get sober right now, check out our drug rehab and alcohol rehab pages!

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Drinking too much? Worried that you might be an alcoholic?

Alcoholics Anonymous could be the resource you’ve been looking for!

This addiction support group holds free meetings for alcoholics every single day of the year. All meetings are free and there is no requirement for membership. Members are free to attend as many or as few meetings as they like.

In these meetings, recovering alcoholics talk about their experiences and support each other through the recovery process. Everyone is welcoming, compassionate, and caring. Each member of the groups eager to help others get sober.

If you’re ready to quit drinking, you should consider AA. This organization has been around since 1935 and has helped countless people turn their lives around.

Looking for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings near you? Well, there’s one right in Paul!:

Wednesdays @Noon
Rupert Group
Meeting Hall
220 East Ellis Street
Paul, ID 83347

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Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous is similar to AA, but for people who use illicit drugs. The group doesn’t cater to any particular type of drug addict. Instead of opening the doors to everyone from heroin and  meth addicts to prescription drug addicts. There are even some people in NA who are addicted to marijuana.

Like Alcoholics Anonymous, this group holds free support group meetings. In the meetings, individuals get together to talk about their experience of addiction. They share stories, offer advice, and unite over the common bond of having a substance abuse problem. Everyone is supportive as they all work to get sober together. 

If you are trying to get off drugs, NA could be a resource for you. Many people consider the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous to be the key to recovery.

Tuesday-Saturday @7:00 PM
Meeting Hall
220 East Ellis Street
Paul, ID 83347

Saturdays @11:00 AM
Burley Art Gallery
Normal Avenue & East 16th Street
Burley, ID 83318

Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs Near Paul, Idaho

The Twelve Steps are a valuable resource for a lot of people. AA and NA are very therapeutic and supportive. But, they don’t help addicts overcome the physical side effects of addiction.

That’s why drug detox exists. These programs provide the medical services that addicts need to flush the drugs out of their body.

When someone has used a drug for a long time, they have a lot of difficulty quitting. If they try to quit, they typically experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are usually very painful and uncomfortable.

But in a detox program, the addict is supervised by doctors who make the process easier. These doctors administer anti-addiction medications to help the addict withdraw in a more comfortable manner. They also monitor the addict’s progress to ensure their safety.

Ultimately, this is a far better option than quitting cold turkey. People who check into a medical detox program tend to have a much easier time in withdrawal.

Alcohol withdrawals can be very dangerous. Learn how our alcohol detox program can help you through the process.

In addition to detox programs, there are also a number of drug rehab programs in the area. These programs provide counseling and therapy services for drug addicts and alcoholics.


Just because someone gets the drugs out of their body doesn’t mean that they’re sober. Addiction is a chronic disease. In order for someone to get clean, they must continue to abstain from using in the future.

Rehab programs give addicts the tools they need to stay sober in the long run. In rehab, addicts learn how to manage stress, deal with triggers, and avoid relapse.

There are two distinct types of rehab: inpatient and outpatient. Both work well for different types of people.

Learn more about our 28-day inpatient rehab program today!

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Take one of our addiction quizzes to find out if you or someone you care about needs help today.

Northpoint Recovery: Helping People Turn Their Lives Around

If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, give us a call. We want to help you get back on the right path.

Northpoint Recovery is a drug and alcohol detox and rehab center located in Boise, Idaho. We provide high-level professional care for addicts and their families.

Our Addiction Rehab Facilities

Northpoint Recovery has three locations in Idaho. An intensive outpatient addiction recovery center in Nampa, another outpatient center in Boise, and an inpatient rehab center located in Boise, Idaho. Our inpatient location is only a 2.5-hour drive from Paul!

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

This site should be used for educational purposes, not medical purposes. Do not substitute it for professional medical advice. In case of a crisis, call 911 immediately. If you experience health problems, consult a professional doctor. Northpoint is not affiliated with any of the groups, meetings, or organizations described on this page. Thus, we are not accountable for a reader’s experience with any of the meetings listed above.

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