Addiction Rehab and Mental Health Resources in Lewiston, Idaho
Lewiston Idaho has many drug and alcohol addiction recovery resources as well as mental health resources. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have shown to be remarkably effective at providing support. There are also ways for people to get treatment and many mental health support groups that can be effective.
Professional Addiction Detoxification
Many drug addicts or alcoholics will also need to go through detoxification before rehab. Detoxification is actually the very first stage of recovery. And it’s when the body first readjusts to functioning normally without the addictive substance.Â
You see, over the course of an addiction, the body actually gets so acclimated to the addictive substance that it can’t work properly without it. It does end up readjusting, but it takes time. And the process (called withdrawal) can be quite uncomfortable.
Here are some of the most common symptoms:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Muscle aches
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Diarrhea
- VomitingÂ
As you’d expect, these symptoms can make withdrawal a distressing experience. And in fact, many people going through withdrawal are so overwhelmed that they end up turning back to using, just to get some relief. And that just restarts the cycle of abuse.Â
A professional detoxification program helps during detox by treating the symptoms and making the process far more comfortable. They often use a combination of holistic therapies as well as treatments involving medications.Â
The result is a much easier process to get through. And that translates into a higher rate of recovery.Â
On top of that, a professional detoxification program will also help protect patients from dangerous withdrawals and complications, some of which can be life-threatening.Â
For instance, alcohol and benzodiazepines are drugs that have potentially lethal withdrawals. Both can cause seriously damaging seizures that can also end up being deadly without the proper medical treatment.Â
Other drug withdrawals can cause complications. Some of the most common complications include:Â
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Arrhythmia & Cardiac Events
- Choking
- Pulmonary Aspiration
- Aspiration Pneumonia
- Psychosis
- Self-Harm
With a professional program, you can rest assured that the medical professionals on staff will be able to help both prevent and treat any serious complications should they arise.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment In and Around Lewiston
Outpatient addiction rehabilitation is a very guided form of independence for those in the process of getting clean and sober. Those participating in outpatient rehabilitation programs attend regularly-scheduled appointments and meetings aimed at aiding in their recovery, but return to their own homes in-between and overnight.
Sessions in outpatient rehabilitation usually take place in the evenings or over the weekend so participants can tend to daily obligations like work, school, or family matters.
Usually, outpatient addiction treatment involves multiple types of therapy that differ depending on the addict and their unique recovery process. These types of therapy can include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of therapy teaches patients healthy coping strategies. These strategies can be applied both to the problems that cause an addict to use and those problems caused by the addiction itself. It can be used independently or combined with other therapies.Â
- Individual therapy. This type of therapy can be cognitive-behavioral or psychoanalytic. This refers to any therapy that takes place only between the addict and a therapist.
- Family counseling. This refers to any type of therapy that includes the family as a whole, one or more members of which have been addicted or alcoholic. Family counseling works to repair relationships and aid addicts in making amends to those closest to them whom they’ve hurt.
- Group therapy. This type of therapy involves many people who struggle with the same addiction or problem coming together with one or more therapists who can teach them coping strategies and hold them accountable. Group therapy allows participants to see regularly that they are not alone in their struggle and journey to recovery.
- Holistic therapy. This type of therapy focuses on the health and recovery of all parts of the patient - physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental. It addresses all parts of the individual’s life, not just the addiction. It often leads to big lifestyle changes for the former addict.Â
Often, outpatient treatment involves other activities and treatments in addition to therapy.
As with any treatment plan, outpatient rehabilitation is not for everyone. Before deciding that outpatient addiction treatment is right for you, consider the pros and cons of this course:
The benefits of outpatient treatment include:
- Time. It is possible for someone to go through outpatient rehab and continue to go to work or school and otherwise continue their normal life. This can be ideal for those who need to continue making money or working towards graduation.
- Money. Outpatient rehab is usually cheaper than inpatient rehab because the patient is paying only for treatment, not also living costs.
- Support System. For those with supportive friends and families, outpatient treatment can be a good option. They can continue to be around their loved ones while they recover from their addiction.
The potential downsides to outpatient treatment include:
- Unsupervised Time. Any time spent outside the treatment facility is time where a thought about the patient’s drug of choice could lead to seeking out or using that drug. Outpatient rehabilitation means that the patient has a lot of unsupervised time that could easily turn into a relapse to addiction or abuse, which is exactly what the patient is trying to avoid.
- Unenforced Appointments. Those in outpatient rehab are left on their own to make sure they get to appointments on time and cope with cravings in a healthy and positive way. Often, addiction can damage our willpower. Even the strongest-willed addict has the potential to relapse when left unattended or experiencing withdrawal symptoms after missing an appointment.
If you’ve decided that outpatient treatment is best for you, you’re in luck. There are several outpatient treatment options close to Lewiston, Idaho, and one may be a good fit for you.
To decide which is best, first determine which type of therapy seems like the best fit for you. Then you can narrow down the outpatient addiction treatment facilities around Lewiston to only those that offer that type of therapy.
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Read Our BlogInpatient Addiction Treatment In and Around Lewiston
Inpatient addiction rehabilitation is what most people picture when they think of drug or alcohol rehab. Inpatient treatment involves an addict staying within a facility for the entire course of their treatment and recovery - or, until they are deemed stable enough to change to an outpatient treatment regimen.
During an inpatient rehab program, patients are required to stay in the treatment facility. Unlike outpatient rehab which lets patients return to their normal lives after sessions, inpatient rehab makes it difficult for patients to tend to day-to-day obligations like work, school, or family concerns.
This, of course, allows for a more controlled environment and a much more focused approach to recovery. And these factors can often make recovery more likely. But the tradeoff is the lack of freedom.
In addition to specialized therapy, most inpatient programs offer other activities to fill patients’ minds and keep them from thinking about their drug of choice as they recover. This lowers the chance of a relapse.
During this recovery time, the patient is monitored and attended to by trained professionals. Perhaps because of this, inpatient addiction treatment has the highest success rate of all treatment types. This means that those who complete treatment at an inpatient facility are least likely to relapse.
Despite the success of inpatient programs, they aren’t feasible or right for everyone. Like outpatient treatment, they have both pros and cons.
The benefits of inpatient treatment are:
- Constant supervision. This decreases the risk of medical emergencies during withdrawal. It also lowers the likelihood of a relapse during recovery.
- Structure. Most inpatient rehab facilities provide their patients with a full schedule of activities. This means that patients have less time to seek out or think about the substance they were abusing or addicted to.
- Time away. Often, those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol recover best by removing themselves from their normal situation. Inpatient rehab allows the patient to focus on themselves and not be influenced by friends, family, or environment.
- Support. Inpatient rehab facilities offer 24/7 support for those going through withdrawals or cravings. This decreases the chance of a relapse because someone is always there to encourage and enforce sobriety.
The drawbacks to inpatient addiction rehab are:
- Time. Those staying at an inpatient rehab facility while they recover must have the time to take off of work or school to recover. They are usually not allowed to leave the treatment facility during their stay.
- Removal from Support System. For many people, being away from their friends and family during treatment can be difficult. In inpatient facilities, patients have limited, supervised contact with anyone outside the facility in the hopes of cutting off all contact with anyone who would encourage the patient to relapse.
- Money. Because inpatient treatment is all-inclusive, it is usually the most expensive treatment option for those recovering from drug addiction, drug abuse, or alcoholism.
If you do decide to try inpatient addiction rehab program near Lewiston, you have many options to choose from. Like outpatient treatment, these choices are highly dependent on your preferred type of therapy, as well as how far from home you’d like to be.
Free Addiction Resources In and Around Lewiston, Idaho
Not all addiction resources in Lewiston or elsewhere cost money, and not all have a definite end date. For most former addicts, consistent and constant accountability is an important part of avoiding a relapse - and recovery is a lifelong process.
Thankfully, communities like Lewiston have a lot to offer for former addicts and those still struggling with recovery. These options include 12-step programs and support groups both for addicts and their loved ones. Here, we touch on Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Alateen meetings in Lewiston.
Keep in mind that there are likely other free addiction resources available to you through churches, community centers, and schools. Those included here are simply the most established and widespread.
Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, is a longstanding organization that helps alcoholics through the rehabilitation and recovery process to sobriety. Participants work through 12 steps and then often become a sponsor, or mentor, for someone just entering the program.
Since being founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous has helped many people in their journey to sobriety. The structure of a group in which everyone is working towards the same goal is ideal for many during their recovery. Additionally, there is no specific end date to AA, allowing participants to take the time they need and return if they find themselves needing more support.
The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are:
- We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
*The phrase “God as we understood him” means something different to each member of AA - the program itself is not based in one faith or religion, and former addicts of all backgrounds are welcome.
- Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
- Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
- Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
- Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
There are six different Alcoholics Anonymous groups that meet regularly in Lewiston, and others that meet in the surrounding cities. In Lewiston, these AA groups are:
Jokers Wild
Sundays at 7:00 pm
LCSC Campus
Meriwether Lewis Hall
500 8th Ave
Lewiston, ID 83501
Daily Monday-Friday at 12:00 noon
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Noon Group
Daily Monday-Friday at 12:00 noon
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Grassroots Group
Mondays and Thursdays at 5:45 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 am
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
The Late Night Meeting
Mondays at 8:15 pm
1830 6th Ave N
Lewiston, ID 83501
Lewis & Clark Group
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8:00 pm
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
With so many options for AA groups in Lewiston, you’re sure to find one that fits your recovery from alcoholism. In this group you can find other recovering alcoholics, learn coping skills, and remember that you are not alone.
Narcotics Anonymous, or NA, is a 12-step program set up just like Alcoholics Anonymous. The difference is that NA is designed for former addicts of any substance - not just alcohol. NA participants work through the same steps as AA participants, but in relation to the drug they struggle with. The program also makes use of sponsors.
Since its inception in 1953, NA has served many recovering addicts. Like AA, it is a program that ends when the participant feels ready, and not before. NA may also be a much less daunting form of accountability after recovery than options such as sober living houses, making it more agreeable for those who do want to return to normal life.
There are two regularly-occurring meetings of Narcotics Anonymous groups within Lewiston, and others in nearby cities. Those within Lewiston include:
Riverside Recovery
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 noon, Fridays at 6:00 am
1720 18th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501-4047
Saint Joseph Hospital
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00 pm
416 Sixth Street
Lewiston, Idaho 83501-2431
2nd Floor Conference Room 1
*wheelchair accessible
**Wednesdays are exclusively literature study
Again, Narcotics Anonymous can be a great way to surround yourself with like-minded people who also want to kick their addictions and regain their life.
Al-Anon is a group formed to support the loved ones of addicts. Often times, the family and friends of addicts are just as hurt by the addiction as the addict themself. In these cases, it’s important that these loved ones learn about addiction, that it isn’t their fault, and that there are coping mechanisms to ease the pain of watching a loved one make harmful decisions.
If this description hits close to home, try one of these Al-Anon meetings in Lewiston:
12:00 noon
Episcopal Church
8 th St. & 8th Ave.,
Lewiston, Idaho
*women’s book study
7:00 pm
Episcopal Church
8 th St. & 8th Ave.,
Lewiston, Idaho
12:00 noon
Episcopal Church
8 th St. & 8th Ave.,
Lewiston, Idaho
Although children and teens are welcome at Al-Anon meetings, there’s also a separate group just for them, called Alateen. In Lewiston, there is one Alateen meeting weekly.
7:00 pm
Episcopal Church (basement)
8 th St. & 8th Ave.,
Lewiston, Idaho
Alateen groups can be valuable for children and teens who think they’re the only ones of their age to watch a friend or family member struggle with alcoholism. Also, Alateen meetings often focus on healthy, kid-specific coping mechanisms and ways to ensure that teens and kids break generational cycles that often lead to alcoholism or addiction.

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Mental Health Resources in Lewiston, Idaho
People need to take good care of their mental health, but that is not easy to do when they have no direction. Fortunately, Lewiston has much to offer those who are looking for mental health resources.
- Mental health support and referrals are available through The Chas Lewis and Clark Health Center. They work with people with low incomes, and their phone number is (509) 444-8888.
- Idaho 211 is a free service that connects people with mental health services in their local areas. Call 211 from any phone to talk with someone 24/7.
- The Idaho North Central District Public Health office can help people find mental health resources in their areas.
- The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare provides mental health referrals and information to people in Lewiston.
- The Community Action Partnership can help people find mental health providers or receive referrals.
- Suicide Survivor Support Group - (208) 746-1539
- Celebrate Recovery - (208) 883-3949
- NAMI’s mental health support group takes place at 12:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of the month at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Pullman.
- Is Food a Problem? is an eating disorder support group that takes place at 618 D St., Suite E in Lewiston. The meeting is held on Thursdays at 11:00 am and on Saturdays at 10:00 am.
The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline’s phone number is (208) 398-4357. This number offers texting services as well.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s phone number is 1-800-273-8255.
Professional Drug & Alcohol Rehab Options Around Lewiston, Idaho
As you can see, there are a variety of free rehabilitation resources for struggling addicts. But for the overwhelming majority of substance abusers, these programs aren’t enough to keep them clean for good. For that, they’ll often need the expertise, guidance, and support of a professional rehabilitation program near Lewiston.Â
And within Lewiston itself, there are four different options to choose from. And each offers a different approach to recovery than the other.Â
For instance, one program offers both outpatient and intensive outpatient services. Another offers medicated treatment coupled with counseling. Another is an outpatient treatment center. And the last uses a process called neuro-feedback to address the pains of the recovery process.Â
However, there are few if any inpatient treatment facilities in the Lewiston, Idaho area. And for those suffering from a moderate to severe addiction, that can make the path to recovery especially difficult.Â
That being said, there are plenty of high quality inpatient rehabilitation centers within Idaho itself. Northpoint Recovery in Boise is one of them.Â
Plus, making the choice to travel for drug or alcohol rehabilitation can end up being one of the best recovery decisions you will ever make.Â
It helps solidify the commitment to recovery, offers a new setting which can help reinforce a new start, provides more confidentiality, and allows patients to focus solely on their recovery.Â
But most importantly, it opens up the door to more high-quality treatment programs that might have a significantly higher rate of success. And in the end, isn’t that what matters most?
What To Do In Case of Drug Overdose or Alcohol Poisoning in Lewiston, Idaho
If you suspect that you or a loved one has overdosed on drugs or has alcohol poisoning, it’s best to get professional medical help as quickly as possible. In case of an emergency, always call 911.
Idaho state has a Good Samaritan Law, so you cannot be prosecuted for drug use, possession of drugs, or underage drinking if you call 911 to seek emergency medical help for yourself or someone else experiencing an overdose or alcohol poisoning. Never let fear of the law keep you from seeking professional help for a drug overdose or alcohol poisoning.
The death toll from the American opioid epidemic gets higher every day, and it’s best to be prepared for the worst if you or a loved one is regularly using heroine or other opioids.
An overdose of heroin will lower the user’s heart rate and breathing until the user is dead unless medical action is taken quickly.
Some of the most noticeable signs of a heroin overdose include:
- No breathing
- Shallow breathing
- Slow and difficult breathing
- Dry mouth
- Extremely small pupils, sometimes as small as the head of a pin (pinpoint pupils)
- Discolored tongue
- Low blood pressure
- Weak pulse
- Bluish-colored nails and lips
- Constipation
- Spasms of the stomach and intestines
- Coma
- Delirium
- Disorientation
- Drowsiness
- Uncontrolled muscle movements
Both Narcan and Evzio are drugs approved by the U.S. FDA for the immediate treatment of heroin overdoses until emergency medical help can arrive.
If you or someone you know regularly uses heroin, it’s a good idea to make sure that a reliable friend or family member regularly carries one of these treatment options and knows how to administer it correctly. Forms of these drugs are available as injections and nasal sprays.
It’s a good idea to review regularly the proper usage of these treatments so that the person administering it doesn’t panic under pressure.
Even if someone administers Narcan or Evzio, they should also call emergency medical personnel. These immediate treatments are not meant to be the only response in case of an overdose.
Cocaine overdoses can also kill a user very rapidly, so it’s important to think and act fast if you think you or a loved one has overdosed.
Some symptoms of cocaine intoxication and overdose to watch out for include:Â
- Feeing high, excited, talking and rambling, sometimes about bad things happening
- Anxiety, agitation, restlessness, confusion
- Muscle tremors, such as in the face and fingers
- Enlarged pupils that don't get smaller when a light shines into the eyes
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Lightheadedness
- Paleness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever, sweating
- Seizures
- Loss of awareness of surroundings
- Loss of urine control
- High body temperature, severe sweating
- High blood pressure, very fast heart rate or irregular heart rhythm
- Bluish color of the skin
- Fast or difficulty breathing
- Death
First, call 911 immediately.
Once you have called 911, there are three things you can do while waiting for help to arrive:
- Apply a cold compress to the person who has overdosed. This will help keep their body temperature down to a safe level.
- If the person is experiencing seizures, try to move sharp objects or furniture away from them so they do not injure themselves. Lower them to the floor and keep their head far from hard objects. Do not try to restrain the addict if they are having a seizure, and if possible, ensure they have nothing in their mouth.
- Stay with the person until help arrives, and follow the instructions of the emergency line operator. Remain calm.
Prescription drugs are different, so overdoses will look different depending on the drug.
Some of the most commonly abused prescription drugs are benzodiazepines, prescription opioids, and prescription stimulants.Â
Below are the signs of overdose for each.Â
Benzodiazepines – Some signs of overdosing on benzodiazepines like diazepam include:Â
- Bluish-colored lips and fingernails
- Blurred vision, double vision
- Breathing is slow, labored, or stopped
- Confusion
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness, lack of alertness
- Excitability
- Hiccups
- Rapid side-to-side movement of the eyes
- Rash
- Stomach upset
- Tiredness
- Tremor
- Weakness, uncoordinated movement
Prescription Opioids – According to the CDC, some signs of a prescription opioid overdose include:Â
- Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
- Falling asleep or loss of consciousness
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Choking or gurgling sounds
- Limp body
- Pale, blue, or cold skin
Prescription Stimulants – NIDA’s signs of a prescription stimulant overdose to be aware of include:Â
- Restlessness
- Tremors
- Overactive reflexes
- Rapid breathing
- Confusion
- Aggression
- Hallucinations
- Panic states
- Abnormally increased fever
- Muscle pains
- Weakness
In an emergency, you should always dial 911 and seek medical help.
You can also call your local poison control center for more information on what to do during a prescription drug overdose in Lewiston, Idaho.
State of Idaho Poison Control Center
Emergency Number: (800) 860-0620
1055 N Curtis Rd
Boise, ID 83706
Promise: Our Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Program in Idaho
The Promise Program is the name of our mental health treatment program that is available to people in Idaho. It is a partial hospitalization/day treatment program primarily for people who have completed an inpatient stay.
We offer a number of different services, including:
- Processing groups
- Art and music therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Psychiatric appointments for medication management
- Experiential activities
Talk With Us About Lewiston’s Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Resources
At Northpoint Recovery, we want to do our part to make sure everyone has access to the substance abuse and mental health resources they need.
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Do you have questions about the mental health and addiction recovery resources that are available in Lewiston? Please contact us.

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