Why is alcoholism so hard to beat? Contact Northpoint Recovery today at 888.296.8976 to learn more about beating alcoholism and how our alcohol addiction treatment program in Idaho can help.
What Is Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction is also known as alcoholism. It is a disease, much like cancer and diabetes are diseases. It is treatable, but ongoing treatment must be obtained to remain in recovery. Some people may consume alcohol heavily all day long. Others may only binge drink once or twice a week and then remain sober for quite some time. This is why beating alcoholism is so challenging. However, that does not mean it can’t be done.
Warning Signs of Alcoholism
As alcoholism begins, some warning signs are pretty straightforward. You can look for these things in your own life to determine if you have a problem with alcohol. Some warning signs of alcoholism include:
- Having issues at school or at your job that can be linked to your alcohol use
- Drinking in risky situations, such as right before you drive a car
- Frequent blackouts that cause you not to remember what happened while you were drinking
- Experiencing legal problems because of alcohol
- Getting hurt or hurting someone else after you have been drinking
- Continuing to drink even though it is causing you to have serious health concerns
- Having friends or loved ones who are worried about you because of your drinking habits
Have you noticed any of these present in your own life? If you have, alcoholism might be something you need to consider.
The Cause of Alcohol Addiction
Addiction is a disease that does not have any single causal factor—genetics, environment, personal behavior, and the addictiveness of the particular substance all play a role, both in the development of the disease and in the difficulty level of recovering from it.
Alcohol addiction is often referred to as alcoholism. This refers to the need to drink alcohol frequently. It is a compulsive need that leads to cravings and a loss of control. This is how many people have been diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder or alcoholism.
The Difference Between Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse refers to any use of alcohol that would be considered harmful. Alcohol abusers may binge drink or drink heavily. However, that does not mean they have alcoholism. For those who abuse alcohol, their use of it is generally done recreationally. The key is that they don’t feel the need to drink. They may enjoy it, but it is not a compulsion.
Someone who has alcoholism does feel compelled to drink. They may drink alcohol at every possible opportunity. They may even refuse to attend events unless they can drink alcohol during them. The presence of increased tolerance levels and withdrawal symptoms also characterizes alcoholism. Without alcohol, they don’t feel like themselves and need it to feel normal.
How Genetics and Biology Affect Beating Alcoholism
Why is alcoholism so hard to beat? According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, genetics accounts for up to 50% of an individual’s risk for drug and alcohol addiction. Recently, neuroscience researchers at the University of California discovered that among specific genetically predisposed individuals, even a single drink can trigger the release of excessive opioids in the brain’s reward centers, making alcohol more pleasurable.
How Society Affects Beating Alcohol Addiction
One of the first things a person beating alcoholism learns is how to avoid the people, places, and things that may trigger cravings that may result in a relapse. Consequently, a newly sober individual will often choose to stay away from bars, liquor stores, and nightclubs where alcohol is prevalent.
Furthermore, alcohol is everywhere in society. It is impractical and unrealistic to expect someone to avoid places and situations where alcohol might be served.
Begin the Process of Beating Alcohol Addiction Today
At Northpoint Recovery, we can assist you with getting the alcohol addiction treatment you need. Beating alcoholism could be well within your reach. However, it does require you to be willing to take the first step. Please contact our team at 888.296.8976 to learn more about our numerous treatment options.