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Understanding the Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety, characterized by difficulty in managing anxious feelings, stands as one of the most prevalent mental health issues in America. When such feelings escalate into significant distress or dysfunction, it could indicate an anxiety disorder. Various types of anxiety disorders exist, and while they share similarities, each has its unique characteristics, including specific effects and triggers. However, the encouraging news is that recovery is possible through an effective anxiety treatment program. Understanding the types of anxiety disorders is crucial for seeking appropriate help and achieving recovery despite their differences. Contact Northpoint Recovery online or call 888.296.8976 today to learn more about anxiety disorders and receive professional advice.

What to Know About Anxiety Disorders

Understanding the types of anxiety disorders means, in part, learning about their standard features. These features center on feelings of fear or worry over things that:

  • Will happen in the future
  • May occur in the future

Such feelings are more or less universal. However, in most people, they only last for a while before coming to an end. The situation changes if you have an anxiety disorder. Not only do you frequently experience anxious feelings. Those feelings are also strong enough to disrupt your well-being profoundly. In turn, you may become less functional in your relationships, work, or other vital areas of your life.

4 Main Anxiety Disorder Types

Each anxiety disorder comes with its unique features. There are four main types of anxiety-based conditions:

  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Phobia-related disorders

Panic disorder’s distinguishing feature is an unpredictable pattern of panic attacks. These attacks trigger extreme feelings of fear or loss of control. People affected by social anxiety disorder have a fear of social situations that make them feel judged or under observation. Generalized anxiety disorder produces ongoing dread or fear, regardless of your specific circumstances.

Several types of anxiety fall under the heading of phobia-related conditions. Some people are affected by specific phobias, also known as simple phobias. This means that they fear certain situations or particular animate or inanimate objects.

People with agoraphobia fear two or more specific kinds of situations. For example, they may fear being in open or enclosed spaces, crowds, or lines of people. They may also fear riding on public transportation or leaving their homes alone.

Other Conditions

The list of anxiety disorder types also includes separation anxiety disorder. Affected people fear separation from their loved ones or others close to them. In addition, some people struggling with anxiety experience a condition called selective mutism. Affected people can talk normally but don’t speak in certain social situations.

Treating the Type of Anxiety Affecting You

While understanding the types of anxiety disorders is essential, effective recovery requires proper treatment. Any anxiety-related condition can be treated with psychotherapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) provides relief for most people who need help. You may also benefit from other options, as well.

In addition, you may need medication. Both anti-anxiety medicines and antidepressants can provide necessary recovery support. Are you also affected by substance problems? Anxiety treatment can be incorporated into your overall rehab plan.

Get Started on Anxiety Treatment in Idaho at Northpoint Recovery

Anxiety disorders are common, treatable mental health issues. These disorders share some features in common. However, their specific effects are what distinguish them. Prompt treatment with therapy or medication can help you progress toward improved wellness.

Want to understand the types of anxiety disorders better? Consult the team at Northpoint Recovery. We’re your source for professional advice on these conditions and anxiety treatment options. With our help, you can access treatment while also working toward sobriety. To get started, call us today at 888.296.8976. We’re also available through our online message form.