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5 Signs of Benzo Abuse

Do you know someone who takes a prescription benzodiazepine (benzo) medication? If so, they’re probably using it according to a doctor’s instructions. However, this isn’t always so. Some people abuse or misuse a benzo medication. By doing so, they increase their exposure to severe physical and psychological problems. They also increase the odds that they’ll need benzo addiction treatment somewhere down the line. Are you worried that your friend or loved one is headed for trouble? Certain things you notice may point to a need for professional help. Contact Northpoint Recovery online or call 888.296.8976 today to learn more.

What to Know About Benzo Abuse, Misuse, and Addiction

No matter the substance involved, there are two potential definitions of the term abuse. Under the first definition, it refers to actions such as:

  • Taking too much of a substance at a time
  • Using it more often than directed by a doctor
  • Taking a medication not prescribed to you
  • Obtaining the same medication from multiple doctors

Today, there is a new term for these behaviors: substance misuse. Increasingly, experts prefer this term, partly because it doesn’t overlap with the second meaning of abuse. Under this second definition, abuse forms part of a condition called substance use disorder (SUD). In this setting, it refers to a seriously impaired state that doesn’t include clinical addiction. Addiction itself also counts as an SUD.

Signs of Benzo Abuse and Misuse

With these facts in mind, what are the most common indicators of benzo misuse? Things to watch out for include the following:

  • The appearance of drunkenness in the absence of alcohol use
  • Narrowed or contracted pupils
  • Problems thinking straight
  • Unusual daytime sleepiness
  • Difficulty remembering things

You may also notice things common to any form of substance misuse. For example, an affected person may no longer notice or pay attention to their daily hygiene. They may also start hanging out with a brand new group of friends or withdraw from all social contact.

Signs of Substance Use Disorder

What do doctors look for when diagnosing a benzo-related SUD? Potential signs and symptoms of benzo abuse in this context include such things as:

  • Experiencing severe relationship damage as a result of benzo use
  • Using enough benzos to make it challenging to fulfill essential obligations
  • Taking benzos multiple times while having sex, driving, or doing other risky things

These problems may occur separately or together in any combination. What about benzo addiction signs and symptoms in someone with an SUD? Potential issues include rising tolerance to benzos’ effects and withdrawal when benzo use stops. People also have cravings that drive them to take more and more of a benzodiazepine.

Additional signs of benzo addiction include losing control over your medication intake. Individuals could also have formed a daily routine based on benzo use. In addition, affected people may ignore the physical or mental damage caused by their addiction. That’s true even when such damage seems clear to outside observers not impacted by addiction. Addiction and abuse often occur together in benzo-related SUDs.

Reach Out to Northpoint Recovery to Find Benzo Addiction Treatment in Idaho

Have more questions about the signs of benzo abuse or the signs of benzo addiction? Have a conversation with the addiction treatment specialists at Northpoint Recovery today. With our help, you can better understand how to identify these potential SUD criteria.

If you or your loved one needs benzo addiction treatment, you can also turn to Northpoint Recovery in Meridian, Idaho. We’re your source for inpatient recovery sources for any form of SUD. Call us today at 888.296.8976 or fill out our online message form.