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What Kinds of Addictions Can Naltrexone Treat?

Open bottle of naltrexone, a treatment for addiction

What is naltrexone used for? Naltrexone is a medication that helps people stop taking opioids or drinking alcohol. Call 888.296.8976 to speak with someone from the knowledgeable team at Northpoint Recovery about our drug rehab and detox, which include naltrexone treatment for addiction. Learn how naltrexone treatment works and how we can help you or a loved one overcome addiction.
How Does Naltrexone Treatment Work?
Naltrexone will treat all types of opioid addictions. This includes illegal drugs like heroin or fentanyl, and also prescription medication like OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine, and morphine. It also blocks the effects of alcohol. However, it should be used as part of a comprehensive addiction treatment plan for total effectiveness.

Naltrexone use for people struggling with opiate and opioid addiction is particularly beneficial because of its opioid-blocking effects. Doctors also use naltrexone in recovering alcoholics as it helps to reduce the desire and cravings to drink alcohol.
How to Take Naltrexone
Naltrexone comes in three different methods of distribution, or ways to take the medication:
Pills (orally ingested)

Like birth control, naltrexone is only effective as long as you keep a continuous supply in your body. When you remove naltrexone from the equation and don’t have the proper coping skills to handle life, the chances of relapse are high.
How Long Does Naltrexone Block Opioids
Naltrexone blocks opioids for about 24 hours. Vivitrol is a slow-release injectable that lasts one month. When taking the pill form of the drug, it will need to be taken once a day. It is in urine for up to six hours. It is in blood and saliva for up to 24 hours.
The Best Way to Use Naltrexone for Addiction Recovery
Naltrexone is often recommended to be used for three months to help people recover from alcohol addiction. Typically, once your doctor prescribes you naltrexone, you should attend some form of addiction treatment or therapy.

There are a few helpful options you can utilize while in active medication-assisted treatment. As part of the overall treatment plan, behavioral therapy should be incorporated. Both behavioral therapy and drug and alcohol counseling take place one-on-one with a therapist. Some counselors involve the use of group therapy but counseling mainly implies a singular experience. When you combine individual therapy with the reduction of cravings provided by the use of naltrexone, you end up with a helpful, well-rounded treatment program.
Can You Overdose on Naltrexone?
The answer to this is both yes and no. You won’t overdose from taking naltrexone but there is a risk of overdosing on opioids or alcohol. Alcohol poisoning and opioid overdose are possible. If you were able to feel the effects of opioids or alcohol, you’d have a good gauge as to when you should stop taking more.
What Is the Difference Between Naltrexone and Other Medications Like Naloxone?
Naltrexone and naloxone may sound like similar medications but are actually used in very different circumstances. Naltrexone is used to help addicts and alcoholics in recovery who are trying to avoid using drugs and alcohol. Naloxone is a medication that reduces the effects of an opioid or opiate overdose.

When comparing naltrexone to Suboxone, there are a few distinct differences. The buprenorphine in the drug is an opiate but offers a very limited effect. It is designed to prevent the terrible withdrawal symptoms that come with heroin. Naltrexone differs because it is not an opioid. It is a safer alternative to tapering off drugs like heroin than methadone. The latter is not self-administered so a patient will have to go to a clinic daily if they’re not detoxing at an inpatient treatment clinic.
Find Naltrexone Treatment in Idaho at Northpoint Recovery
Whether you’re looking for an inpatient program or addiction treatment that allows you or your loved one to go home at the end of the day, know that naltrexone can be part of your recovery if needed. Contact Northpoint Recovery today at 888.296.8976 to learn more about naloxone treatment for addiction.