Since there is only one AA meeting in Rigby, it can be difficult for alcoholics to make it to that specific AA. Fortunately, there are many alternatives in surrounding cities. In particular, you'll find AA meetings in Ririe, Rexburg and Idaho Falls.Â
All three of the above cities are within a 20-minute drive away from Rigby. It's possible to get to Rexburg or Idaho Falls rather quickly using Route 20. If you take the highway, you shouldn't run into a lot of traffic at all. It's even faster for those who live at the edge of Rigby.Â
Many alcoholics in Rigby will resort to going to AA in nearby cities for the sake of convenience. Since there are more options to choose from, it's easier to find a meeting time and location that will work for you. Since these cities are so close to one another, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a sponsor or mentor that you can keep in contact with from these meetings. It shouldn't take you long to drive to Idaho Falls and back. Your sponsor might even be willing to meet you halfway. Â
Take a look at the AA meetings that are available in Ririe, Rexburg and Idaho Falls in the calendar below.
8:30 AM:
Spiritual Breakfast Meeting
2150 Channing Way, Idaho Falls
9:00 AM:
Grapevine Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
5:00 PM:
Reunion de AA en Espanol
145 9th St, Idaho Falls
7:00 PM:
Turning Point Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Si Podemus
145 9th St, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Progressive Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Rexburg Upper Valley Group
359 S 5th W, Rexburg
11: 30 AM:
Lunch Bunch AA
950 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:30 PM:
New Hope and Inspiration Group
2170 12th St, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
AA Study Group (Big Book)
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:00 AM:
Grapevine Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
10:00 AM:
Coffee Break Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
11:30 AM:
Happy Meals
2150 Channing Way, Idaho Falls
5:30 PM:
Just Stay
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:30 PM:
Hope Group
1501 Northgate Mile, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Rexburg Upper Valley Group-Big Book Study
349 S 5th W, Rexburg
11:30 AM:
Lunch Bunch Step Study Meeting
950 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls
6:00 PM:
Clean and Sober Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:30 PM:
The Great News (Big Book Study)
555 E St, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Veterans Recovery Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Ririe Group
325 Main St, Ririe
@8:00 PM:
Rexburg Upper Valley Group
349 S 5th W, Rexburg
7:00 AM:
Grapevine Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
10:00 AM:
Coffee Break Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
11:30 AM:
Happy Meals
2150 Channing Way, Idaho Falls
5:30 PM:
Just Stay
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Progressive Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
11: 30 AM:
Lunch Bunch AA
950 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls
5:30 PM:
Just Stay
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:00 PM:
Great News
793 Cleveland St, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Westside Group
1900 Grandview Dr, Idaho Falls
8:00 PM:
Lincoln Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
@8:00 PM:
Rexburg Upper Valley Group
349 S 5th W, Rexburg
8:30 AM:
The Sunlight of the Spirit (For Women Only)
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
10:00 AM:
Coffee Break Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
6:00 PM:
Clean and Sober Group
600 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
7:00 PM:
The Buzz
237 N Water Ave, Idaho Falls