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Risks of Dissociative Drugs

a person leans on a fence overlooking the water possibly after learning about the risks of dissociative drugs

In the 1970s and 80s, angel dust took hold of people across the U.S. as they began to experiment with the powerful hallucinogenic drug. Many claimed that it caused them to feel invincible and even euphoric. Angel dust, also known as phencyclidine (PCP), belongs to a group of substances known as dissociative drugs. Finding a PCP addiction treatment program is critical for breaking the cycle of dissociative drug addiction to discover sobriety.

If you or a loved one struggle with PCP addiction, there is no better time to get sober than now. The team at Northpoint Recovery knows how important it is to find a treatment program that works with your needs to meet your goals. Call 888.296.8976 today to get started.

What Are Dissociative Drugs?

Dissociation is a mental effect where someone disconnects from their thoughts, feelings, memories, and sense of identity. In other words, it’s a way people often feel numb from reality. People who struggle with dissociative symptoms of mental disorders may find themselves lost and have difficulty socializing with other people.

Dissociative drugs directly cause feelings of dissociation. These drugs change how your brain chemistry works, often leading to long-term changes in brain functions. The most common dissociative drugs are:

  • Ketamine
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Dextromethorphan (DXM)

People often use these drugs to party while feeling free from other worries. However, many people don’t realize that these drugs come with a high risk of addiction and severe side effects.

What Are the Risks of Dissociative Drugs?

There are risks associated with using any drug, but some risks are more common with dissociative drugs. These risks include:


Dissociative drugs are highly addictive, and people who use them regularly can develop a tolerance quickly. This tolerance means they need to take larger doses to get the same effect, sometimes leading to an overdose.


Dissociative drugs can cause psychosis, a mental effect characterized by delusions and hallucinations.


People who use dissociative drugs may act out violently because they feel detached from reality.


Because dissociative drugs distort reality, people who use them are at a higher risk for accidents and injuries, such as traffic accidents and falls.

Recognizing dissociative drug effects can help you know if someone is beginning to slip into the cycle of substance abuse or addiction.

Signs of Dissociative Drug Abuse and Addiction

There are some common signs that someone is abusing dissociative drugs, which include:

  • Sudden change in behavior
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Sudden change in eating or sleeping habits
  • Expressing unusual or violent behavior
  • Isolation from friends and family

Abusing dissociative drugs can cause addiction, a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior and use despite the risks. People who struggle with addiction may feel like they cannot control their drug use or stop using it altogether.

If you’re concerned that someone you love may be abusing dissociative drugs, it’s essential to reach out for help. Many resources and addiction treatment programs are available to help them through this difficult time.

Dissociative Drug Addiction Treatment at Northpoint Recovery

The risks of using dissociative drugs are real, but help is available. Seeking out a PCP addiction treatment program can help someone break the cycle of drug abuse and find sobriety. Our experienced team can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that helps you heal and recover from addiction.

Treatment for dissociative drug addiction may include:

  • Medical detoxification
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Aftercare planning

If you or someone you love is struggling with dissociative drug addiction, don’t wait to seek help. At Northpoint Recovery, we offer comprehensive treatment programs in a safe and supportive environment that can help you achieve lasting sobriety. Give us a call at 888.296.8976 today to get started.