Dalton Gardens Addiction Resources
Do you live near Dalton Gardens and struggle with addiction disorder? There are plenty of resources that can help you get clean.
Kootenai County is home to many fantastic addiction resources. There are 12-step groups, detox and rehab programs. There are even Al-Anon meetings for the family members of addicts.
Too often, addicts and their families avoid seeking help because they don’t know where to go.
But, we want to show you where to find support. This article outlines a number of AA meetings and NA meetings near Dalton Gardens. It also discusses drug detox, rehab programs, and other treatment options.
Hopefully, this helps you find the support you need.
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Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous, also called “AA”, may be the most well-known addiction support group in the world. This organization helps problem drinkers overcome alcohol addiction. It conducts free meetings in nearly every town in America. Almost all of these meetings are open to the public.
AA is famously based around the Twelve Steps. The Steps are a system designed by the organization’s founder, Bill W. Bill developed this program to help people take a structured approach toward overcoming addictive behavior.
Despite the rigid structure of the Steps, Alcoholic Anonymous is a relatively loose program. Members are free to attend as many meetings as they’d like. Some people go every day. Others go multiple times per day. Every member works through the Steps at a pace that feels comfortable for them.
There are many AA meetings near Dalton Gardens. If you want to quit drinking, this could be a great place to start!
Here are a few meetings you might enjoy:
Every day @5:15 PM
Happy Hour Group
1st Presbyterian Church
521 East Lakeside Ave
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
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Fridays @8:00 PM
Big Book Study
St. Pius Church
625 East Haycraft Ave
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815
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Meetings take place on Mondays @5:30 PM, Wednesdays @7:00 PM, and Fridays @ 8:00 PM

Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is similar to AA. However, as the name suggests, this organization is designed for people who abuse drugs other than alcohol. NA members struggle with everything from prescription pill abuse to heroin, cocaine, or crystal meth addiction. The group does not care what your drug of choice is, as long as you want to get sober.
Like AA, NA also uses the Twelve Steps as its central program. Throughout the Steps, addicts learn how to confront their past behaviors and move forward in a happier, healthier way.
NA also facilitates group support meetings. In these meetings, drug addicts get together to talk and share stories. By listening to each other’s stories, addicts learn how to forgive themselves and the people around them. For many people in recovery, Narcotics Anonymous is the best resource out there.
Interested in Narcotics Anonymous? Here are a couple of meetings in the area:
Tuesdays @7:30 PM
Just for Today Study
Church of the Nazarene
4000 North 4th Street
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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Saturdays @8:30 PM
Dalton Gardens Candlelight NA
Saint Pius X Parish Catholic Church
625 East Haycraft Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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Read Our BlogSMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is a popular alternative to AA, NA, and other 12-step programs.
While the Anonymous programs work for a lot of people, not everyone enjoys them. Some folks find the discussion too spiritual or religious. Others don’t agree with certain aspects of the Twelve Step philosophy.
So, SMART helps people get sober by taking a secular, non-spiritual approach to recovery. The program focuses more on practical, scientifically-informed techniques for getting sober.
If you find that AA or NA don’t help you get sober, this could be a better program. There are a few SMART Recovery meetings in the area.
Want to try out a SMART meeting? Here’s one you might enjoy:
Wednesdays @5:30 PM
Coeur d'Alene SMART Recovery
St Luke's Episcopal Church
501 East Wallace Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
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Al-Anon is a family support group. They assist the parents, children, spouses, and siblings of drug addicts and alcoholics. The group holds support meetings where family members get together to help each other cope with the pain of loving an addict.
It’s not easy to watch someone you love struggle with addiction. Their behavior can take a serious toll on your mental wellbeing. Over time, their condition can consume your entire life.
Al-Anon teaches family members how to manage this stressful situation. It offers a safe space where individuals can go to talk with others who understand their pain. It provides support for the people who need it most.
If a loved one’s addiction is causing pain in your life, Al-Anon could be a great resource for you. Here are a few meetings in Coeur d’ Alene:
Saturdays @6:00 PM
Unity Church of North Idaho
4465 North 15th Street
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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Saturdays @Noon
Saturday Sunshine AFG
Coeur d'Alene Church of the Nazarene
4000 North 4th Street
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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Dalton Gardens Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs
Coeur d’Alene is home to many professional detox facilities. There are many within a driving distance of Dalton Gardens. These are medical centers that help drug addicts and alcoholics make it through withdrawal.
Of course, withdrawal is one of the most difficult steps in recovery. This is the stage in which the addict stops using their drug of choice and readjusts to functioning without that substance. It’s not always easy. Typically, the addict experiences a number of withdrawal symptoms: nausea, insomnia, cramps, etc.
Drug and alcohol withdrawals are a side effect of the body flushing out excess toxins. They’re typically a good thing, although they’re very uncomfortable for the addict. In some cases, as with alcohol withdrawal, symptoms can be dangerous.
Detox programs work to make withdrawals safe and comfortable. By detoxing under expert supervision, addicts have a better chance of getting clean than they would if they tried to quit cold turkey.
Trying to get off drugs or booze? Our drug and alcohol detox program can support you through the process!

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Dalton Gardens Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs
Rehab programs provide intensive therapy and counseling services for recovering addicts. They allow drug addicts and alcoholics to receive treatment for the emotional and psychological side of their condition. Typically, people attend rehab as soon as they finish detoxing.
In order to recover successfully, addicts have to do more than just flush the drug out of their system. Addiction disorder, after all, just as much a mental illness as a physical disease. If someone wants to stay clean for the rest of their life, they have to address any psychological baggage that drives their addiction.
Rehab gives addicts a place where they can focus on becoming emotionally healthy. In a rehab program, addicts go through stress management classes, group support meetings, and one-on-one therapy sessions. Each of these resources teaches them how to move forward in a healthier way.
There are many different types of rehab programs around Dalton Gardens. There are inpatient programs, outpatient programs, and a range of other options. If you want to turn your life around, rehab can help you do so.
Let us help you get clean. Find out more about our alcohol rehab and drug rehab programs today.
Our Closest Treatment Center
Northpoint Recovery is an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center located in the northwestern US. We have facilities in Edmonds, WA and Boise, ID.
Our Boise location is only a one-hour flight from the closest airport to Dalton Gardens (Spokane International)!
If you have health insurance, addiction treatment could be free!
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Our Closest Inpatient Location:
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Northpoint Recovery: Helping Dalton Gardens Residents Get Back on the Right Path
Do you want to get off drugs? Trying to quit drinking? We want to help you!
Northpoint Recovery provides drug and alcohol detox and rehab services. We maintain two facilities in Idaho and Washington State. Both of our locations are within driving distance of Dalton Gardens.
If you’re ready to start your life over, give us a call. We’ll do everything we can to help you overcome your habit.
This article was written by a member of the content marketing team, not a doctor. It’s intended purely for informational purposes. Do not use this information as a substitute for professional advice. In case of a health emergency, contact a medical professional. Northpoint Recovery is not affiliated with any of the groups or organizations listed above. We are not responsible for a reader’s experience in these groups. Use the information above at your own risk.

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