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Payette, ID Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Resources

Addiction Resources in Payette

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Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Resources in Payette, Idaho

People who live in Payette, Idaho should have no difficulties finding mental health and addiction recovery resources. There are many options available, including support groups 12-Step organizations like AA and NA and community programs. People only need to find what will work best for them.

At Northpoint Recovery, our addiction and mental health treatment programs are among the best in the state. But we know they are not the right fit for everyone. We created this page to be a helpful resource for people who are searching for these types of services in Payette, Idaho.

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Treating Payette County’s Drinking Problem

In Idaho, alcohol is just a big of a problem as drugs are. Unfortunately, Idahoans love to drink.

Of course, enjoying a few beers here and there isn’t a huge problem. But, when your relationship with booze transitions from recreation to dependency, it becomes an issue.

And, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Gem State has a pretty unhealthy relationship with booze. In a recent study, the CDC determined that 15% of Idaho residents show signs of alcohol abuse disorder. These individuals binge-drink on a regular basis and allow their habit to put them in dangerous situations.

Alcoholism in Idaho

Excessive drinking can have severe consequences for both individuals and the people around them. For example, it often leads to drunk and reckless driving. In 2017, nearly 100 Idaho residents lost their lives in drunk-driving accidents. And 2018 is even worse. By September, the same amount of drunk-driving deaths already occurred.

But, even though the problem is drastic, local alcoholics aren’t getting the help they need. In fact, less than 5% of problem drinkers seek professional treatment.

This is why it’s important to connect alcohol addicts with AA meetings in Payette and other cities. These meetings can help alcoholics to overcome their addiction and move toward happier, healthier lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous

When addicts get sober, it’s good for all of us. So, if you or someone you know is an alcoholic, it’d benefit you to look at the list of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings below.

Are you battling alcoholism? Tired of allowing booze to run your life? Sick of the constant hangovers and feeling sick all the time?

Well, a Twelve Step meeting could be just what you need. We’ve compiled a list below to help you find one.

Please note: You’ll notice that some of the meetings listed below are labeled “closed”. These meetings are not open to the public. Instead, the group exclusively invites those who have participated in a number of open meetings. This allows the organization to facilitate smaller, more intimate support sessions.


10:30 AM
Puttin’ Sober
Dale’s Shop
2699 West Sales Yard Road
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open meeting. Everyone is invited.
Please note: The facility permits cigarette smoking. So, if you’re not a fan of cigarette smoke, this might not be the meeting for you. However, it could be a great meeting if you’ve been searching for a group that will allow you to smoke indoors.

6:00 PM
Weekend Warriors
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open meeting. Anyone who wants to get sober is invited.
It could be a great meeting for alcoholics who want some extra support on Sunday evenings.

7:00 PM
Better Pastime Group
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall
114 North Plymouth Avenue
New Plymouth, ID 83655
This is an open meeting. Anyone who wants to move beyond addiction toward a healthier life is welcome.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.

7:00 PM
Weiser Progress Group
Weiser Library
658 East 1st Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open AA meeting. All are welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
Enter the library through the side door.

7:00 PM
Lifesavers Sunday Night
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is a closed meeting. Only committed members of the AA community are welcome to attend.
The facility is handicap accessible.


12:00 Noon
Wednesday Noon Group
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This meeting is open. All are welcome.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.

8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open AA meeting. Anyone who wants to get sober is invited.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.


7:00 PM
Saint Matthews Women’s Meeting
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting for women. Any woman who wants to get sober is welcome.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.

8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open meeting. Anyone who wants to beat their addiction is welcome.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.


12:00 Noon
Wednesday Noon Group
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open AA meeting. All are welcome.
Looking for some midweek support on Wednesday afternoons? It could benefit you to check out this meeting.

7:00 PM
Better Pastime Group
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall
114 North Plymouth Avenue
New Plymouth, ID 83655
This is an open AA meeting. Anyone who wants to move beyond addiction toward a healthier life is welcome.

7:00 PM
Weiser Progress Group
Weiser Library
658 East 1st Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open meeting. All are welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
Enter the library through the side door.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.

7:00 PM
Lifesavers Big Book Study
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open Big Book study session. Attendees spend their time discussing the Book and other sobriety literature.
This facility is handicap accessible.

8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open AA meeting. Anyone who wants to get sober is invited.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.


7:00 PM
Weiser Progress Group
Weiser Library
658 East 1st Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open AA meeting. All are welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
Enter the library through the side door.

7:00 PM
Ontario Originals Group
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open AA meeting. Everyone is invited.
The facility is handicap accessible.

8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open meeting. Anyone who wants to beat their addiction is welcome.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.


12:00 Noon
Brown Bag
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open meeting. All are welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
Looking for an addiction group to talk to at lunchtime? This could be the meeting for you!

7:00 PM
Friday Noon Group
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is invited.
The facility is handicap accessible.

8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open AA meeting. Anyone who wants to get sober is invited.
The facility is wheelchair accessible.

8:00 PM
Lifesavers Friday Night
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is a closed meeting. Only committed members of the AA community are welcome.
The group meets to discuss their progress in the Twelve Steps. At some meetings, a guest speaker is invited to talk to the group.
The facility is handicap accessible.


12:00 Noon
Saint Matthews Noon Group
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open AA meeting. All are welcome. Wheelchair access is available.
Looking for a place to connect with other recovering alcoholics? This might be the perfect meeting for you!

7:00 PM
Weiser Progress Group
Weiser Library
658 East 1st Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open meeting. All are welcome. This could be a great meeting for alcoholics who need some support on Saturday evenings.
The facility is handicap accessible. Enter the library through the side door.

6:00 PM
Weekend Warriors
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 South McKinley Avenue
Emmett, ID 83617
This is an open AA meeting. Anyone who wants to get sober is invited.

Important note: Northpoint Recovery has no affiliation with any of the meetings listed above. Therefore, we’re unable to recommend any particular meeting. Also, this is not the most up-to-date meeting schedule available on the web. We suggest that you check out the official Idaho Area Alcoholics Anonymous website for the most current schedule.

The best thing about AA is that it’s open to everyone. The organization prides itself on being a free resource for anyone who struggles with alcohol addiction. So, if you can admit to yourself that you have an unhealthy relationship with booze, the group is happy to have you.

In a typical meeting, alcoholics from Payette and surrounding towns gather together to talk about addiction. They share stories about their high points and low points. They discuss their progress and come clean about their biggest regrets.

Everyone is invited to open up and speak to the group. But, you’re not required to do so if you’d prefer not to.

Some meetings revolve around the Big Book. This is the primary text for Alcoholics Anonymous (and Narcotics Anonymous, too). The Big Book is a guide to using the Twelve Steps to get sober.

AA is not a religious organization. There are some spiritual undertones, but they’re not related to any one religion or another. Ultimately, members are free to interpret the Big Book however they want. All that really matters is that members commit to sobriety, work through the steps, and have compassion for those around them.

Payette Resource Profile

Narcotics Anonymous: Working to End Addiction in Payette County

Like Alcoholics Anonymous, NA is a fantastic resource for anyone who struggles with addiction. However, whereas AA caters to people who drink, this organization is designed for those who are addicted to drugs.

Obviously, drug addiction is a huge problem in Idaho. It’s particularly a bad problem in Payette County. Out of all 44 counties in the state, Payette has the 6th highest overdose rate. While it doesn’t have quite the death rate that Ada and Bonneville Counties do, it’s still pretty bad.

Narcotics Anonymous

So, NA offers a vital resource during these tough times. By providing drug addicts with a place that they can gather and find support, this organization is working hard to help addicts get on the path to recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous welcomes anyone who is addicted to drugs. It doesn’t matter which drug you’re addicted to. Whether it’s methamphetamine, heroin, prescription pills, cocaine, or even marijuana, the group is happy to have you.

As the NA manifesto says in their mission statement, “We will make no claims to a ‘special interest’ but that we are only a voice for a ‘common need’”.

A warm, compassionate organization like this is necessary during these times. After all, both opioid and crystal meth addiction are at an all-time high. These drugs are both devastating communities.

So, we’re lucky to have an organization like NA around. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it’d benefit you to take advantage of the meetings in your area.

Are you trying to find a meeting in your area? Well, you’re in luck! Check out this list of local meetings.

Please note: You’ll notice that some of the meetings listed below are labeled “closed”. These meetings are not open to the public. Only AA members who have participated in other, open meetings are welcome. This allows the organization to facilitate smaller, more intimate group support sessions.


7:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Nazarene Church
1980 7th Avenue North
Payette, ID 83661
This is an open NA meeting. All are invited.

8:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
If you’re looking for some recovery support on Sunday night, this could be a great meeting for you.


12:00 Noon
Noon Recovery Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.
If you’re looking for some recovery support on Sunday night, this could be a great meeting for you.

7:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
If you’re looking for some recovery support on Sunday night, this could be a great meeting for you.

7:00 PM
Open Participation Meeting
Church of Christ
595 East Second Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open NA meeting. Anyone who wants to overcome their drug addiction is welcome to attend.
The meeting takes place in the basement of the church.

8:00 PM
Greenleaf Discussion Meeting
Nathan’s Cafe/Greenleaf Community Center
21513 Main Street (Highway 19)
Greenleaf, ID 83626
This is an open meeting. Everyone is invited.  


12:00 Noon
Noon Recovery Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.

7:00 PM
Tradition Study Meeting
Rainbow Recovery Club
103 12th Avenue North
Nampa, ID 83687
This is an open NA meeting. Attendees spend their time discussing the Twelve Steps and talking about their recovery progress.
The facility is handicap accessible. The building is located behind Mad Man Motorcycles.  


12:00 Noon
Women’s Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting for women. The group welcomes any woman who has a strong desire to get sober.
The facility is handicap accessible.

12:00 Noon
Open Discussion Meeting
Rainbow Recovery Club
103 12th Avenue North
Nampa, ID 83687
This is an open NA meeting. Attendees spend their time discussing the Twelve Steps and talking about their recovery progress.
The facility is handicap accessible. The building is located behind Mad Man Motorcycles.  

7:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Caldwell Christian Center
220 North 6th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
This is an open NA meeting. All addicts are welcome.
If you need some midweek recovery support on Wednesday nights, this could be a great meeting for you.

8:00 PM
Open Book Study Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.
All sessions center around the Big Book and other recovery literature.


12:00 Noon
Noon Recovery Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open NA meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.

7:00 PM
Payette Discussion Meeting
Payette Christian Church
906 2nd Avenue Payette
Payette, ID 83661
This is an open meeting. All are invited. The facility is handicap accessible.

7:00 PM
Payette Recovery Support Group
Nazarene Church
1980 7th Avenue North
Payette, ID 83661
This is an open NA meeting. Everyone is welcome. The building is wheelchair accessible.


12:00 Noon
Noon Recovery Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open NA meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.

7:00 PM
Open Participation Meeting
Church of Christ
595 East Second Street
Weiser, ID 83672
This is an open meeting. Anyone who wants to overcome their drug addiction is welcome to attend.
The meeting takes place in the basement of the church.

7:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is handicap accessible.
For some addicts, Friday nights are difficult. They raise all kinds of triggers and cravings. If you have difficulty on Fridays and want some support, this meeting could be helpful.

8:00 PM
Candlelight Discussion Meeting
First Christian Church Building
619 12th Avenue South
Nampa, ID 83651
This is a closed meeting. Only committed members of the Program are invited.
If you’d like to attend this meeting, go to some open meetings first. Once you’ve given yourself over to the recovery process, the group will allow you to attend their closed meetings.


12:00 Noon
Saturday Noon Meeting
Caldwell Christian Center
220 North 6th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
This is an open meeting. All addicts are welcome.

8:00 PM
Saturday Candlelight Meeting
Methodist Church
312 Northwest 2nd Street
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open NA meeting. Everyone is welcome. The facility is wheelchair accessible.
All sessions are conducted by candlelight. If you’re looking for a calm and serene environment to connect with other recovering addicts, this meeting could be perfect for you.

7:00 PM
Open Discussion Meeting
Caldwell Christian Center
220 North 6th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
This is an open meeting. All addicts are welcome.
On the second Saturday of each month, the group holds a potluck dinner. They also invite guest speakers to talk with the group on a regular basis.

Important note: Northpoint Recovery is not affiliated with any of the meetings listed above. Therefore, we can’t endorse any one particular meeting over another. We also aren’t accountable for changes to the schedule or location. For the most up-to-date meeting calendar, we recommend that you head over to the official Narcotics Anonymous website. Use the “meeting search” feature to browse for one in your area.

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Medical Detox and Drug Rehab: Additional Addiction Resources in Idaho

Addiction is a vastly complex condition. It affects the addict’s body in such a complicated way that most medical professionals consider it a disease of the brain.

Drug Detox in Payette

As a result, it’s not very easy to treat. Each addict requires different things to overcome their addiction.

Some addicts are able to get sober simply by quitting and going to Twelve Step meetings.

But, a lot of people require more intensive treatment.

If AA or NA alone isn’t helping you, it’s likely that you need detox and rehab. These are two resources that take a medical approach to help people get sober.

Detox is a difficult process. During drug detox, the addict stops using their substance of choice and allows their body to flush out the remaining traces.

Because an addict’s body is dependent on the drug, they usually go through withdrawals. Withdrawals occur because the body has to adjust to no longer having the drug in it.

Obviously, the whole thing can be quite unpleasant. Addicts in withdrawal usually experience severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweats, and even tremors. Anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks are common symptoms too.

Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

Fortunately, there are plenty of medical detox centers that help addicts through the process. In these facilities, doctors work with the addict to develop a safe, medically-informed plan for weaning off the drug. Overall, this helps to ease the addict’s withdrawal symptoms and make it a bit more pleasant.

Al-Anon: An Addiction Resource for Payette Families

Addiction is a far-reaching disease. Addicts are the only people affected by their condition. Their children, parents, spouses, and other family members are impacted by it, too.

If you consider the fact that nearly 70,000 Americans died from an overdose last year, you can imagine that a lot of families were affected by drugs.

Idaho Overdose Deaths

So, it’s crucial that families have a place to go for support, too. This is why Al-Anon exists.

Essentially, this organization conducts meetings where the family members and friends of addicts get together to talk about their experiences. This helps many people to cope with the feelings of overwhelm and isolation that loving an addict can impose on us.

Are you interested in connecting with other people who understand the pain that you’re going through? Are you sick and tired of dealing with your pain alone?

If so, this could be an amazing resource for you. Check out this list of local meetings to find one near you.


7:00 PM
Beginners Al-Anon
First United Methodist Church
2717 12th Avenue Road
Nampa, ID 83686
This is an open meeting for beginners and first-timers. If you’re interested in Al-Anon but have never attended a meeting, this could be the perfect support group for you!

7:00 PM
Paz en la Tormenta
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
829 Southwest 2nd Avenue
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open, Spanish-speaking Al-Anon meeting. Everyone is welcome.

7:30 PM
Middleton Serenity Group
United Methodist Church
104 East Main Street
Middleton, ID 83644
This is an open Al-Anon meeting. Anyone whose life is impacted by another person’s addiction is invited.
There’s a separate playroom for children. So, feel free to bring the kids!


6:00 PM
Una Luz al Final Del Túnel
107 South Kimball Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
This is an open, Spanish-speaking meeting.
The meeting takes place in the storefront next to the barbershop.

7:00 PM
Safe and Sound
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Avenue
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open Al-Anon meeting. Everyone is invited.


12:00 Noon
Noon Serenity Al-Anon Meeting
Saint Matthews Episcopal Church
802 Southwest 5th Avenue
Ontario, OR 97914
This is an open meeting. All are welcome.

6:30 PM
Paths to Recovery AFG
Trinity Lutheran Church
8 South Midland Boulevard
Room 2
Nampa, ID 83651
This is an open Al-Anon meeting. All are welcome.

Have you been impacted by the addiction of another individual? This could be a great place for you to find some support.

Important note: Northpoint Recovery has no affiliation with any of the meetings listed above. Because of that, we’re unable to recommend any particular meeting. Additionally, this is not the most up-to-date meeting schedule available on the internet. For the most up-to-date listing of meetings, check out the Idaho Area 13 Al-Anon website.

SMART Meetings Located in or Around Payette

It is not uncommon in this day and age to live your life without a spiritual faith to call your own. While this may rule out some support groups, it does not mean you are completely out of options when it comes to finding recovery meetings after you complete alcohol or drug detox or rehab. The best option in this case is SMART, or Self-Management and Recovery Training. SMART focuses on science, rather than faith, and teaches many tools and skills to manage cravings and urges. SMART provides in-person meetings, as well as many online resources and tools.

There are no SMART meetings located directly in Payette. However, there are two within driving distance if you don't mind a bit of travel.

Time: 6:00 PM
Location: AAFV Community Center 1508 Hope Lane, Caldwell
33 miles

Time: 5:30 PM
Location: PEER Wellness Center 5371 W Franklin Road - Boise
56.6 miles

Payette, Idaho Mental Health Resources

There are many helpful mental health resources in Payette, Idaho. People can find support groups, treatment programs and much more.

  • The Payette office of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare offers behavioral health services and referrals for adults and children. Their phone number is (208) 642-6416.
  • Substance use services are also available. The number to call for more information is 1-800-922-3406.
  • The Valley Family Health Care Clinic is a clinic that offers behavioral health services for low-income individuals and families. Their phone number is (208) 642-9376.
  • Idaho 211 is a free helpline that can connect people with mental health services in their local areas. Call 211 from any phone to be connected with a live operator.
  • A & R Case Management can help people find mental health support services while offering case management and more. Their phone number is (208) 463-9313.

The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline offers 24/7 crisis intervention services by call or text. Their phone number is (208) 398-4357.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s phone number is 1-800-273-8255.

  • Co-dependents Anonymous is an organization that offers support groups to help with codependency issues. They meet at the Post Falls Church of the Nazarene on Mondays at 6:30 pm. Please call (509) 590-6055.
  • The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity support group meets on Mondays at 7:00 pm. Call Dr. Bob for more information at (208) 784-8891.
  • The AMEND Center men’s support group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Courthouse Plaza. Call (208) 665-2432.
  • The Bereaved Parents of the USA offers support to families that have lost a child. They meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. Call (208) 773-5684.

Drug Rehab in Payette, ID

There are five rehab facilities located right in Payette all of which offer programs for drug addiction treatment. Each of these programs is outpatient in nature, and offer varying forms of therapy and treatment.

Alcohol Rehab in Payette, ID

Two out of the five of the rehab facilities found in Payette also offer programs for alcohol addiction. Both are outpatient programs, with varying levels of intensity based on how extreme the addiction is.

Alcohol and Drug Detox in Payette

While there is no getting around the fact that rehab is an extremely important step in recovering from alcohol or drug addiction, it is usually not the first step that should be taken. That spot is taken by an alcohol or drug detox program, and is just as important as the rehab that follows. It can be exceptionally dangerous to try and detox from drugs or alcohol alone, so a professional alcohol or drug detox program is a necessity.

An alcohol or drug detox program is where the body actually gets rid of the remaining drugs in your system, and adjusts to life without it. There are two aspects to addiction, physical dependence and psychological addiction. A drug or alcohol detox program takes care of the former, while rehab is a great place to conquer the latter.

There are many reasons to attend an alcohol or drug detox program rather than going it alone. As previously mentioned, the body's adjustment to not having drugs or drink can be very dangerous without medical intervention. Professionals on hand are available to provide these medications if necessary, as well as help you get through the roughest parts of that phase of your recovery.

Alcohol & Drug Detox Facilities in Payette

There are no facilities that provide detox services directly in Payette. Each of the five drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Payette are outpatient, and detox is almost always handled inpatient. However, there are other resources you can use, namely the emergency rooms of hospitals. There is one hospital located in Payette that has the size and resources to handle someone with any level of detox needs.

What to Do in Case of an Overdose or Alcohol Poisoning

One of the scariest aspects of drug or alcohol addiction is the potential to overdose. Overdose is where you take too much of your drug of choice, or drink more alcohol than your system can handle. Without proper and immediate treatment, an overdose can cause serious health complications and many times lead to death.

There are important steps to take if you or a loved one have overdosed. Given the potentially deadly nature of an overdose, a call to emergency services should be made right away. Those who staff 911 lines are trained to give you life-saving advice, so listen to everything they have to say. While the EMTs are en route to where the overdose is occurring, there are steps you can take to lessen the chances of the unthinkable happening. Never let someone overdosing fall asleep, since many times they will not wake up. No food should be ingested and showers should be avoided. You should also never try and make the overdose victim vomit.

Northpoint Recovery

If you have the capability to travel outside of Payette for your drug or alcohol detox and rehab services, likely your best option is Northpoint Recovery. Located in the state capital of Boise, Northpoint Recovery is an inpatient detox and rehab facility that specializes in both drug and alcohol addiction. We offer a 28-day program that starts out with a detox phase, and then on to rehab treatment.

Promise: An Outpatient Mental Health Program in Idaho

Our Idaho outpatient mental health program is called Promise. It is a partial hospitalization program that takes place through Ashwood Recovery at their Nampa and Boise facilities.

When clients work with us, they participate in many types of treatment, such as:

  • Trauma therapy
  • Mental health education
  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Psychiatric and medication management sessions
  • Art and music therapy

Health Insurance

As with most things in life, the lion’s share of drug and alcohol detox and rehab programs are not free. Unless you attend a program offered through social services, the total cost is usually well beyond what most people can afford out of pocket. This makes it of such importance that we take many different health insurance carriers and plans. We are proud members in several different networks, and we are always hunting for more that we can add. You can easily check to see if we accept your health insurance with a quick phone call or a brief visit to our website.

Learn More About the Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Resources in Payette, Idaho

At Northpoint Recovery, we want people to know that we are there to help them with substance abuse and mental health issues.

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

Can we answer any questions you might have about the mental health and addiction recovery resources in Payette? Please contact us.

This website and all content (graphics, text and other materials) are for informational purposes only. This information does not take the place of medical advice from a doctor and should not be substituted for medical advice, a diagnosis or treatment. Always seek out the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions about a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or put off seeking because of something you have read on this website. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. This website does not recommend any tests, physicians, products or procedures. Relying upon any information found on this website is done at your own risk.

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Full Infographic

AA, NA, and Al Anon Meetings in Payette, Idaho