The Dangers of LSD Abuse
The appeal of LSD has to do with the incredibly vivid hallucinations that are produced after you take it. These hallucinations, or trips, can last for as long as 12 hours. Sometimes people talk about having the ability to “see smells” and “hear colors,” which sounds bizarre to those who have never used LSD. However, for those who have, these sensations are all a part of the experience that keeps them coming back for more.
Short term usage of LSD can have some dangerous side effects, and these can include:
- Not being able to sleep
- Experiencing a rapid heart rate
- Having tremors
- Lack of judgment
- Worry about dying
- Feelings of despair
- Breaking out into sweats or chills
Because LSD is so intense, even with just one use, there are other, more dangerous effects than can often manifest as well. A bad trip can result in a fear of dying, which can lead to harming others, or even suicide.
Are There LSD Withdrawal Symptoms When You Stop?
Because LSD isn’t physically addictive, there really aren’t any physical LSD withdrawal symptoms to be concerned with. Of course, there can be residual physical or health problems that can persist that were caused by the usage of the drug. LSD is very psychologically addictive, and it’s quite common for people to experience these types of withdrawal symptoms after they stop taking it. You may encounter:
- An intense feeling of anxiety because of the damage you may have done by using LSD
- Problems with concentration or confusion
- A sense of depersonalization
- Symptoms of depression
- Worry that you’ll develop a mental disorder such as schizophrenia
- Intense flashbacks
- Mood swings
- Suicidal thoughts
It is possible that you could experience HPPD, which is Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. This can cause you to have hallucinations for a long time after you’ve stopped taking LSD. The chances of this are lessened when you go to LSD addiction treatment.
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Northpoint Recovery is a state of the art, comfortable and modern inpatient detox and drug rehab facility designed to help our clients get the help they need to overcome addiction.
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LSD Addiction Symptoms and Behaviors
Because LSD is not physically addictive, it’s a little bit more difficult to distinguish when the psychological addiction has set in. However, there are a few LSD addiction symptoms that you can look for, either in yourself or in a loved one who is using LSD. These can include:
- Feelings of apathy
- Bouts of anxiety or panic attacks
- Symptoms of depression
- Psychosis that lasts a long time
- Intense flashbacks of being high or tripping
If you’re concerned about whether or not a family member or friend has developed an addiction to this powerful and dangerous hallucinogen, you can look for a few different LSD addiction behaviors, and some examples of these might be:
- Frequently seeking ways to get money to purchase drugs
- Getting into trouble with the law because of their drug use
- Social isolation away from those who don’t use drugs
- Loss of a job or disinterest in school
- Continual paranoia and anxiety
- Fear of the future
It can be so difficult to watch someone you love battle an LSD addiction. However, if you contact some of the best LSD rehab programs, they can offer you some guidance as to how you can help.
LSD is Making Headlines in Idaho
People tend to think that drug problems like LSD addiction only happen in other states. But this drug is right here in our State of Idaho, and it probably can be found in most cities and towns.
In Bonneville County last year, the Sheriff’s Department arrested a young man on several drug counts. He was on probation at the time, and the county’s juvenile probation officers requested a home check for him. They found a lot of drug paraphernalia, including more than 500 doses of LSD.
His probation officers turned in tobacco vaping supplies, syringes, scales and packaging materials. They also found close to 130 grams of what they suspected was marijuana, THC wax and oil. He was arrested and booked on 3 felony counts and two misdemeanor counts.
Also, last year in Bonneville County, the Sheriff’s Department served a search warrant that resulted in a major drug bust. There were two men and a woman in the house at that time. One of the men was found in a room along with drugs and packaging materials to sell them.
The officers seized more than 50 doses of LSD as well as 200 grams of methamphetamine. Additional drugs were found in another room, and the two men were arrested for trafficking methamphetamine and possession of LSD.
Getting Treatment for LSD Addiction
An LSD addiction can quickly take over a person’s life, even though it has been labeled as non-addictive. Once a person feels as though they cannot live without it, that is when it has become a problem. It is also when that person should seek professional help.
There are typically two types of treatment that are recommended for people who are addicted to LSD. Some people may need to go through the detoxification process when they are ready to stop using it. This can help with any withdrawal symptoms they might experience and make them much more bearable. Medical detox may or may not be recommended.
Afterward, the person should move on to rehab, which is where even more healing takes place. They will participate in several types of counseling, including individual and group sessions. People also often need family therapy during recovery.
Northpoint Recovery Offers Recovery Help for LSD Addicts
At Northpoint Recovery, we know how difficult it can be to recover from an addiction. We highly recommend inpatient treatment because it provides the highest level of support. We offer one of the best inpatient programs in Idaho, and our services include both detox and rehab.
We are located in Boise, Idaho. All of our patients receive their own, individual treatment plans, which allows us to provide them with are more personalized experience. We do this because people respond well to different types of care.
We also offer treatment for co-occurring disorders, which are often present for those who are addicted to LSD. This approach has allowed us to have higher than average recovery rates.
LSD Abuse and Addiction in Idaho: Learn More About Your Treatment Options
At Northpoint Recovery, we know the dangers of LSD far too well. We have seen this drug ravage so many lives, and we want to be a place where people feel safe. With our support, addicts can find hope that they thought was lost.
Are you interested in learning more about LSD addiction and abuse? Do you need to know what your treatment options are in Idaho? Please contact us.
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