Addiction Resources in Ohio To Help You Overcome Your Addiction for Good
There’s never been a time when knowing about the available Ohio addiction resources has been important than today.
The United States is in one of the biggest health crises it’s ever seen. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report that showed drug deaths are now killing more people per year than even certain kinds of cancer.
And while opioids are undoubtedly the main culprit here, substance abuse in general is on the rise. Ohio in particular just saw its worst year yet in terms of drug overdoses – over 4,000 dead in 2016, a 33% rise compared to 2015.
In fact, Ohio is now the second deadliest state when it comes to overdose deaths, trailing only behind West Virginia in 2016.
As an Ohioan, then, you need to arm yourself with every resource available to you – not only to learn how to prevent substance abuse from turning into a deadly problem, but also to know where to go to treat it if it does.
Where to Look for Addiction Help in Ohio
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), almost 10% of addicts willing to get treatment for their addiction problem didn’t do so simply because they didn’t know where to look.
And while money is the prevailing problem when it comes to getting addiction treatment, not informing willing addiction sufferers on where to get help is one of the most preventable.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a substance use disorder in Ohio, there are a number of places you can start looking for guidance, support, or even treatment. The Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services department, for instance, provides an extensive database of outreach options that are organized by county.
So whether you live in the bustling city, the sprawling suburbs, or the idyllic outskirts, you always have options available to help treat your addiction.
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Read Our BlogLow-Cost Addiction Resources in Ohio: Private Insurance
Many sufferers of addiction do not end up seeking treatment due to the overwhelming power of denial. After all, addiction is a complicated disease that affects not just the body but also the way the mind works on a fundamental level. As such, addicts are inherently primed to favor drug seeking behaviors and abandon mentalities that threaten those behaviors (like admitting they have a problem).
But once denial is actually overcome, there’s another problem that’s incredibly common among addicts: not being able to afford treatment.
According to the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 37.3% of drug users who recognized the need for treatment did not seek it out based on the fact that they either had no health coverage or simply could not afford it. Almost 13% more respondents cited this as the main issue over not being ready to quit.
The truth is, then, that once substance abusers recognize the need for help, the majority of them do not get it because of costs, not because of an unwillingness to seek out treatment.
That’s where health insurance comes in. As addiction continues to ravage the country, more and more health insurance providers are starting to include addiction treatment in their coverage options.
However, walking into treatment without knowing exactly what your plan covers can be a bit nerve-wracking. That’s why at Northpoint Recovery, we’ve made it incredibly simple to see just what your insurance plan covers. And equally importantly, what it doesn’t.
All it takes is including your insurance info on this handy web form and you’ll know exactly just how much you’re covered for. It doesn’t get easier than that.
Ohio Low-Cost Addiction Resources: State-Funded Insurance
While private insurance is most likely to provide more coverage in better facilities, it can be prohibitively expensive for some substance abusers. For these individuals, state-provided healthcare options might be the better route to go.
Like private health insurance, state-funded insurance programs (or Medicaid) may also provide coverage for a variety of addiction-related treatments. However, since Medicaid is a state-funded health program, it’s usually reserved for needy citizens and not everyone will be eligible.
What’s more, the coverage from Medicaid is often minimal compared to other private programs – but so are the costs.
For more information on Ohio Medicaid, feel free to contact the Ohio Department of Medicaid directly at: 1-800-324-8680
- For eligibility requirements, have a look at their "Who Qualifies" page.
- To see what’s covered, head over to their “Covered Services” page.
- And finally, you can start the application process here.Â
Ohio Free Addiction Treatment Options
While applying for either private or state-funded insurance is without a doubt the best path to go down when trying to find addiction treatment coverage, the costs or the time needed for approval may be too high for some, especially if treatment is required immediately.
This can put a substance abuser in a difficult position – they may want to get clean, even desperately, but they may not be able to afford it, even with state support.
This might leave many suffering addicts feeling hopeless and may even contribute to even further abuse of drugs, making the problem even worse.
However, there are in fact a number of free addiction treatment options in Ohio that some citizens may qualify for.
For instance, some addiction facilities are awarded state grants to take in especially needy substance abusers.
You can also look outside of government-funded programs for free addiction treatment options as well. Some large charities, for example, directly sponsor addiction sufferers so that they can access treatment options that may have been financially out of reach without their intervention.
The Salvation Army is one such organization. You may not know it, but the Salvation Army is actually one of the largest free addiction treatment providers in the country. Every year it helps more than 150,000 people gain access to the tools and programs they need to recover from a life of substance abuse.
And while the accommodations may be a bit sparse in these programs, they are often entirely free.
Ohio Addiction Counselors
At Northpoint Recovery, we provide free addiction assessments that are no obligation and are 100% confidential. This comprehensive evaluation (just 20-30 minutes via telephone) can help give you the insight into your condition that you may need to finally seek professional help.
AA Meetings in Ohio
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most widely-known 12-step programs today. This popular program has been helping alcoholics effectively cope with their cravings and rebuild a functional life around healthy habits and practices.

Like other 12-step programs, AA is rooted in a bit of spirituality. Members are asked to surrender themselves to a “higher power” while at the same time admitting they are powerless in the face of their addiction.Â
For some, this focus on spirituality may help them in overcoming their own cravings. But AA isn’t just about religiosity and nonreligious members are free to join. Instead, AA aims to give support and guidance through communal sharing, support, and healing.Â
AA can also be instrumental in developing healthy living habits after you’ve kicked your addiction, a benefit which can help you maintain your sobriety even more easily.Â
If you would like to sit in on a meeting, Ohio AA meetings are spread all across the state. And it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise since the group was actually founded in Akron, OH in 1935.Â
Ohio AA is separated into 19 different groups based on location:
Akron, Ohio
Akron Intergroup Council
Toll Free: (800)897-6737
Main: (330)253-8181
Site: akronaa.orgÂ
Ashtabula, Ohio
Ashtabula Area Intergroup
Main: (440)992-8383
Site: aaigo.netÂ
Canton, Ohio
Canton Area Intergroup Council
Main: (330)491-1989
Site: aaincantonohio.orgÂ
Chillicothe, Ohio
Appalachian Ohio Intergroup Office
Site: aoio.orgÂ
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati Intergroup Office
24 Hr Hotline: (513)351-0422
Site: aacincinnati.orgÂ
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland District Office
Main: (216)241-7387
Site: aacleve.orgÂ
Columbus, Ohio
Central Ohio Group Fellowship Intergroup
Main: (614)253-8501
Toll Free: (800)242-1729, TTY: (614)253-5554
Site: aacentralohio.orgÂ
Dayton, Ohio
Central Office of Dayton, Inc.
Main: (937)222-2211
TDD: (937)299-7587
Site: aadaytononline.orgÂ
Lancaster, Ohio
Lancaster Area Intergroup
Main: (740)653-4869Â
Lima, Ohio
Answering Service
Answering Service: (419)234-3800Â
Lorain, Ohio
Lorain Intergroup of A.A., Inc.
Main: (440)246-1800Â
Mansfield, Ohio
Mansfield Area Intergroup
Main: (419)522-4800
Site: mansfieldaa.orgÂ
Marion, Ohio
Marion Area Fellowship Intergroup
Main: (740)387-5546Â
Middletown, Ohio
Dist 11 Answering Service
Answering Service: (513)423-0102
Site: aad11a56.orgÂ
Vernon, Ohio
4 Intergroup\Central Office
Main: (740)393-2439Â
Newark, Ohio
A. Intergroup Office
Main: (740)345-7060Â
Sandusky, Ohio
North Central Ohio Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup
Main: (419)625-5995
Site: ncoaai.comÂ
Toledo, Ohio
NW Ohio & SE Michigan Central Office
24 Hr Phone: (419)380-9862
TDD: (419)380-9978
Site: toledoaa.comÂ
Youngstown, Ohio
Youngstown Area A.A. Intergroup
Main: (330)270-3000
Ohio NA Meetings
With a long history of helping addicts overcome their substance dependency that stretches back almost 65 years, Narcotics Anonymous is another incredibly popular and especially helpful support programs for the addiction community.
In fact, research shows that the 12-steps taught during Narcotics Anonymous actually help steady the brain’s reward pathway, a physical change that can reduce cravings, support healthy functioning, and keep addicted individuals from using again.
Not only do these programs help you to forgive both yourself and others in your past (emotional trauma is often a source of addiction), they also provide a strong social support network to keep you sober for good.
Similar to AA, NA can also give you the strategies you need to keep your head clear when faced with cravings or mood swings during recovery as well.
And also like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous meetings also happen all over the state of Ohio.
Ohio Narcotics Anonymous is separated into two different chapters: The Ohio Region Chapter and the Buckeye Region Chapter.
The Buckeye Region includes counties:
- Ashtabula
- Trumbull
- Mahoning
- Columbiana
- Lake
- Geauga
- Portage
- Stark
- Cuyahoga
- Summit
- Medina
- Lorain
- Wayne
- CarollÂ
If you reside in any of these counties, use the Buckeye Region Meeting Schedules to find a meeting near you.
If you live in any other Ohio counties, have a look at the Ohio Region Meeting Search.
Alateen & Al-Anon Meetings in Ohio
Alcoholism and addiction can be especially destructive diseases. Not only do they impact the individual on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level, they also can destroy social relationships, especially when it comes to the family unit.
Alateen and Al-Anon were founded specifically with this aspect of addiction in mind. These groups help family members of addicts (teenagers in particular for Alateen) learn about addiction and give them the support, guidance, and education needed to cope with their family member’s dependency as well as know where to go for help.
Topics covered may include how to break free from codependency, signs of enabling an addict, what are the characteristics of a healthy familial relationship, and how to begin talking to your loved one about getting help, just to name a few.
ACOA Meetings
Similar to Al-Anon in general idea but a completely distinct organization as a whole, ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) is a support group dedicated to helping adults who are still struggling to heal the wounds caused by growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home.
This group was founded on the belief that while growing up with an alcoholic is an immediate problem, it is also a persistent one with effects that can (and often do) stretch well into adulthood.
In fact, these effects are so common and so distinguishable, the group actually has a list of the 14 traits of an adult child of an alcoholic, what the group calls the “Laundry List.” These traits include:
- Isolation and fear of people and authority
- Aversion from anger and personal criticism
- Guilt as a result of standing up for oneself
- Low self-esteem
ACOA helps give these individuals the support and strategies they need to overcome self-destructive habits and tendencies. And like other 12-step programs, ACOA is quite common in most states across the country.
To find a meeting near you, simply head over to the World Meeting List provided by the group’s website.
Ohio SMART Recovery Meetings
For individuals who are looking for addiction support groups that don’t have any spiritual roots or practices there are other programs as well. One of the most popular is called SMART Recovery.
Similar to 12-step programs, SMART Recovery takes place in a number of different locations all around the country and many times in multiple cities in each state.
The SMART Recovery programs, like AA and NA, are non-profit programs designed to help recovering addicts overcome their urges to return to using. However, rather than admitting powerlessness in the face of addiction, SMART Recovery programs focus on self-empowerment.
Facilitators are also professionally trained for the job and only offer strategies and techniques that are actually backed up by scientific evidence. Members can talk about their past substance abuse but don’t have to. The emphasis instead is on educational programs that are based on changing your behavior, not necessarily what caused it in the first place.
To find a SMART Recovery meeting near you, you can use their built-in meeting locator on their website. The bulk of them occur in the major hubs (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati) but you may be surprised at just how many take place outside city limits.
You can filter your results by “tag” (i.e. Veterans, LGBTQ, Workplace, Spanish, etc.) to refine your search even more.
A Wealth Ohio Addiction Resources at Your Disposal
Addiction is a complex and dangerous disease. It has far-reaching consequences both for the addicted individuals themselves as well as the friends and families of those with a substance abuse problem.
But luckily, there are an enormous number of addiction resources in and around Ohio that you can use to help you kick your addiction and get on the path towards sobriety for good.
Whether it’s legal help, educational programs, low-cost treatment options, psychological mental help, or continuing support groups, Ohio has exactly what you need to embrace a healthy and sober life. If you are looking to get away from Ohio for your addiction treatment, Northpoint Recovery has everything you need!
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