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Drug and Alcohol Resources in Anchorage

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources for Anchorage, Alaska

Addiction is a progressive and potentially fatal illness that won't go away on its own. Drug and alcohol abuse destroy families, derail careers, and give rise to untold suffering. Drug abuse remains the leading cause of accidental death, and alcohol kills a stunning 88,000 people each year. No matter how much you've suffered due to addiction, though, there is hope. Rehab remains the best, most effective treatment option, changing and saving lives every day.

For some addicts, though, rehab isn't the best or only option. Maybe you're not ready to pursue intensive help yet. Or perhaps you simply want some local support to supplement the skills you've already learned in rehab. A local Anchorage program can help you triumph in the face of addiction.

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

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AA Meetings for Anchorage Residents

Alcoholics Anonymous prides itself on helping addicts from all walks of life and at all stages of recovery. The program, originally developed by an alcoholic, uses a 12-step model that encourages addicts to take responsibility, make amends, and permanently abstain from alcohol. Meetings are free, and occur throughout the day and week. To find an Alcoholics Anonymous group near you, click here. Links to a few other local programs include:

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NA Meetings for Anchorage Residents

NA Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous relies on a 12-step model that's virtually identical to AA. Unlike AA, though, NA is solely focused on abstinence from drugs. In addition to the standard NA program, the organization also offers drug-specific programs such as Marijuana Anonymous and Pills Anonymous. For NA meetings near you, click here. Other local resources to consider include:

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings for Anchorage Residents

Al-Anon Meetings

Addiction doesn't only harm addicts. People who care about addicts may find themselves perpetually trying to get the addict to change his or her life, seek help, or admit to the addiction. This codependency can destroy lives, leaving loved ones perpetually at the mercy of the addict's whims. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon help people who love addicts break the cycle of codependency while offering them practical skills for dealing with the disease of addiction. Rather than focusing on getting the addict you love to pursue sobriety, you'll instead get help to manage your own life more effectively.

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon also gave rise to two spin-off programs. Alateen and Narateen work to help teenagers who have a loved one struggling with the disease of addiction.

Find a Nar-Anon family group near you by following this link.

Find an Al-Anon meeting near you here.

Drug Support Groups for Anchorage Residents

NA isn't a specifically religious program, but it does embrace a generic “higher power.” Moreover, many groups meet in churches or pray before meetings. Even if you don't mind the program's religious underpinnings, though, it's good to have an alternative program if you find NA is not right for you. SMART Recovery offers a secular recovery model.

Alcohol Treatment Resources Anchorage Residents

AA, like NA, isn't the perfect program for all recovering addicts. The Secular Organizations for Sobriety offers online groups for both drug and alcohol support .

Alcohol Treatment Resources Anchorage Residents

Why You Should Seek Help for Addiction near Anchorage

Addiction doesn't just harm your health and undermine your relationships. It also deprives you of your judgment, leaving you in a near-constant state of denial. While this denial is normal, it also increases the likelihood that you won't seek the help that you need. Addiction is a disease just like diabetes or cancer. You wouldn't delay treatment for these illnesses, so why delay treatment for addiction?

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Get More Information on Resources and Rehab in Anchorage, Alaska

If you need additional information about addiction resources, or attending rehab, Northpoint Recovery is here for you. We know that this is a critical time in your life. We know that you're struggling with making the right choice regarding your treatment. We can assist you with making the right decisions.

We're always careful to listen closely to the needs of our potential patients. If we're not a good fit for you, we're happy to provide you with a referral. If we are a good fit, you'll be able to start your rehab right away.

The hardest step to take is the one where you admit you need help for your addiction. Are you ready to take that step today? If so, please contact us. We'll make sure you get the care you need so that you can have a successful recovery.

This website and all content (graphics, text and other materials) are for informational purposes only. This information does not take the place of medical advice from a doctor and should not be substituted for medical advice, a diagnosis or treatment. Always seek out the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions about a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or put off seeking because of something you have read on this website. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. This website does not recommend any tests, physicians, products or procedures. Relying upon any information found on this website is done at your own risk.

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Addiction Resources in Anchorage, Alaska