Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA, is a global network of people who are overcoming alcohol addiction. The organization conducts, daily, no-cost meetings for alcoholics all over the world. The group was founded in 1935 and has helped countless addicts to move beyond alcohol addiction toward a happier life.
In a typical AA meeting, alcoholics from a range of backgrounds convene in a church, restaurant, or community center. They talk about their addictions. They share updates on their recovery. They encourage each other to stay sober. The goal of each meeting is for everyone to walk away feeling supported.
There are no requirements for membership. All members are free to go to as many meetings as they’d like. Some people attend several meetings each day while others attend one per month. One of the benefits of AA is that members are allowed to work the Steps at their own speed.
Every day, there are dozens of meetings in the Washougal area.
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