Lexy's Rehab Success Story
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I firmly believe my mom and dad would have been writing my obituary around this time if I hadn't gone to Northpoint when I did.
Hands down, Northpoint Recovery saved my life. I unfortunately had issues with my insurance company and could not complete the entire 28 day program. However, Northpoint fought hard for me and did everything they could possibly do to try and convince my insurance that I needed to be in treatment. My counselor Dan stayed late to sufficiently fill out and submit the huge stacks of paperwork to my insurance. Every staff member at Northpoint, without a shadow of a doubt, truly cares about their patients.

During my short stay, I was able to detox safely and comfortably, and gain enough mental clarity and knowledge to battle my addiction once again. For the first time since I relapsed over a year ago, I honestly feel like I have a fighting chance to stay clean. I can't recommend this place with higher regard. What Northpoint Recovery offers is more than just a comfortable, clean and beautiful facility with your run of the mill staff and nurses. Northpoint offers a unique and genuine environment that promotes learning about the science behind and nature of the disease of addiction/ alcoholism, as well as much needed emotional healing.
Being treated like a human for the first time in a long time by the staff at Northpoint gave me something invaluable. It unlocked my once lost purpose and self-worth. I don't mean to be cheesy, but I believe that there is no better medicine than love. The compassion I found at Northpoint is something I have never found in any of the other 3 treatment centers I have been to in the past. The faculty at Northpoint love each and every broken person who walks through their doors until that broken person can learn how to love themselves.
I'll never be able to express my undying gratitude to Northpoint Recovery enough. I may not be where I want to be in life, yet. But I'm a whole lot better than I used to be before going to treatment at Northpoint. If you're still reading this, and you are thinking about getting sober and taking back control of your life, give yourself a break and go to Northpoint Recovery. You won't regret it.
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