Resources for Substance Abuse and Alcoholism in Electric City, Washington
Substance abuse and alcoholism are major issues affecting the area of Electric City, Washington today. These addictions can ruin lives of the people suffering from the disease, and also those who love someone with this illness.

Opioid use, morbidity, and mortality have increased not only nationally, but also across Washington State according to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institution at the University of Washington.
The good news is, there is help available. And there are resources right here in Electric City that can help you or a loved one on the road to recovery.
In this guide, we will provide you with the following substance abuse recovery resources in Electric City:
- Alcoholics Anonymous meetings near Electric City, WA
- Narcotics Anonymous meetings near Electric City, WA
- SMART Recovery meetings near Electric City, WA
- Al Anon, Nar Anon, and Alateen meetings near Electric City, WA
- How Northpoint Recovery could help you or a loved one beat addiction

What to Do In Case of Overdose in Electric City, Washington
If you know someone who is suffering from addiction, there are things you can do to help. But first, you need to know what to do. You need to be prepared in case of an emergency, and there are emergency resources available in Electric City to support you.

There will be different signs of an overdose in each person depending on the substance he or she consumed.
Some signs of a drug or alcohol overdose could be:
- Shallow breathing
- Vomiting
- Seizures or spasms
- Disorientation
- Unconsciousness
If you witness any of these symptoms, and you think it could be a substance overdose, immediately call 911. Whether the overdose is caused by heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, or alcohol, emergency responders will be able to provide the best care for someone who is experiencing an overdose.
Don’t be afraid to call 911. Even if you were using illegal substances as well, the Good Samaritan law will protect you from legal trouble in order to save another person’s life.
While you wait for emergency responders, you can check to see if the person is breathing. If they are not breathing, perform rescue breathing on the affected person. Stay at the scene until the emergency responders arrive.
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Substance Abuse Resources for Family and Friends in Electric City, Washington
It can be hard to know what to do or how to help if you have a loved one suffering from alcoholism or addiction. Recovery for addicts cannot happen alone. They need support from family and friends to keep them accountable and prevent relapse.
This means it is just as important for those who are supporting recovering addicts to find a support community that they can talk to and relate to. These groups will also give tips on how to support your recovering loved one in the best way possible so together you can figure out the best plan for a successful recovery.
Electric City has multiple recovery meetings for parents, children, spouses, and friends of those with alcohol or substance abuse problems. The most prominent of these groups are Al Anon, Nar Anon, and Alateen.

Alateen is specifically for youth/young adults who are close to alcoholics. All three of these support groups are great resources for people searching for ways to end the cycle of addiction and set their loved one on the right path to recovery.
The closest Al Anon meetings to Electric City are:
Let Go and Let God AFG
Fridays at 7:00 pm
Okanogan United Methodist Church
231 3rd Ave. South
Okanogan, WA 98840
Searchers for Serenity AFG
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Catholic Trinity Center
327 Edmonds Street
Omak, WA 98841
The closest Nar Anon meetings to Electric City are:
Saturday Survivors
Saturdays at 10:00 am
East Omak
323 Edmonds Street
Omak, WA 98841
We Care
Sundays at 12:00 noon
Perrie House
327 Edmonds Street
Omak, WA 98841
Electric City Detox and Rehabilitation Resources
If you yourself are dealing with substance abuse, know that you are not alone. There are people who care about you and local resources available in Electric City full of people that are trained and ready to help.

Detox is the very important first step to recovery. When you go through the detox process, you allow time for the addictive substance to completely leave your body. This gives your body a reset so you can start to train your body to function without the addictive substance again.
Without going through this detox process, a relapse is very likely because there will still be traces of the addictive substance in your body. Detox can be very uncomfortable as you experience withdrawals, which is why many people choose a detox program that is medically supervised, such as our drug and alcohol detox program at Northpoint Recovery.
After going through detox, many people choose to join a rehabilitation program to continue on a successful road to recovery. There are two different kind of rehab options: inpatient and outpatient.
Inpatient rehab is where a patient lives at a rehab facility for a period of time to receive individual, attentive care during the time following a detox. This eliminates all temptation to use again and surrounds people with positive support. There are many different planned activities and groups in inpatient rehab facilities usually including: a variety of therapy treatments, group exercise classes, and community building activities.
Outpatient rehab offers many of the same resources as inpatient rehab, but the main difference is that the patient lives independently off-site and travels to the facility for groups and/or treatments. This can be a good option for someone who has a job or is going to school but still wants intensive support during the recovery process.
After detoxing and going through rehab treatment, you are well on your way to recovery. But, the battle with substance abuse will most likely continue even after completing the rehabilitation process.
The next step is finding the support you need to stay sober and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or a SMART Recovery program are great resources for recovering addicts.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Electric City include:
Confused in Coulee
Mondays at 8:00 pm
31 Coulee Blvd
New Hope Group
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
VFW Hall
31 Coulee Blvd
Focused on Friday
Fridays at 6:00 pm
31 Coulee Blvd
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous meetings close to Electric City, Washington include:
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
31 Coulee Blvd.
Mondays at 7:00 pm, and Wednesdays at 12:30 pm
Old AAOA Building
17 San Poil Ave.
Nespelem, WA 99155
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is another option that gives tools and resources to help manage all different kinds of addictions. They teach sensible, self-help techniques that can provide you with what you need to stay sober.
There are not currently any SMART Recovery meetings held near Electric City. The closest can be found in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Penticton, British Columbia or Richland, Washington. For more information on starting a SMART Recovery group in your area, read more here.

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Our Addiction Treatment Facility at Northpoint Recovery
Now that you know about all resources available to you, we want to tell you more about our addiction recovery center, Northpoint Recovery.
At Northpoint Recovery, we are dedicated to providing a safe and therapeutic environment for those who are recovering from addiction. We live by the values of commitment to excellence, doing good for others, engaging in innovative empirical based treatment, and showing respect to all.
We are an inpatient treatment program that offers a beautiful location to receive assistance for alcohol and drug rehabilitation for people who are overcoming addiction.
We offer medically supervised drug and alcohol detox, 24/7 nursing care, the highest staff to patient ratio in the region, as well as activity groups, therapy, groups, and community integration. At Northpoint Recovery, we focus on a holistic approach to drug and alcohol treatment, and we pride ourselves on treating every patient as an individual.
Although we have a lot to offer, Northpoint Recovery is not the recovery solution for everyone. There is no “one-size fits all” solution to addiction, and it is important to find what is right for you and your journey. We hope that with this knowledge, you can take that first step and begin your recovery process today.
Our Closest Inpatient Location:
Our Closest Outpatient Location:
If you believe Northpoint Recovery is a good fit for you, please start by checking out our program for alcohol detox & rehab or for drug rehab & detox depending on your need.
Get help now and reclaim your life. Contact us today!

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