Drug Rehab Resources in Missoula, Montana
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources in Missoula, Montana
If you're struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction in Missoula, you're not alone. Millions of people seek and receive help for addiction each year. Far from being weak or cowardly, addicts are people suffering from a serious and potentially life-threatening medical condition.
Rehab is the single best treatment option for the disease of addiction, and a place such as Northpoint Recovery can help you achieve the sobriety you need to live a long and happy life.
What is Addiction?
An addiction is a very complex condition. The American Psychiatric Association calls addiction a brain disease. It is manifested by the compulsive use of substances, or participation in behaviors. This is done despite any harmful consequences that may result. Addictions are also often called substance use disorders.

When someone suffers from an addiction, their focus on their drug of choice is intense. It eventually takes the most prominent position in their life. The addiction becomes the highest priority, and everything else becomes less important. This applies to relationships, friendships, work and school.

Sometimes addicts realize that their substance use is a problem, but they feel powerless to stop. Other times, they live their lives in complete denial. They may agree that they use substances too often, but they fail to see the impact it's having on them.
An addiction is a disease in the same way that other conditions are diseases. It affects the way that people think, and it also has a physiological effect on the brain. These structural changes to the brain can cause people to do things they wouldn't normally do. For instance, it can lead them to take risks or make poor decisions. The changes are also responsible for not being able to stop using.
Addictive Behaviors
Drugs and alcohol are not the only types of addictions. There are actually many different types. Many people don't realize that behavioral addictions are a reality for some individuals. Addictive behaviors can be just as damaging as using drugs or alcohol excessively.
Many studies have been conducted to prove the severity of behavioral addictions. They have been shown to cause significant changes in the brain, just as substances do. For someone with a behavioral addiction, the urge to do the behavior is strong. It is uncontrollable, and stopping isn't an option.

Some examples of addictive behaviors include:
- Eating (or not eating, as the case may be)
- Participating in gambling
- Shopping addiction
- Pornography addiction
- A cell phone addiction
Most people think of these activities as being relatively harmless. This is one of the reasons why they can become so dangerous. When a behavior becomes compulsive, and begins to have a negative effect on someone's life, it's an addiction. When this is the case, the only way to stop is to get professional help.
What is Alcohol Addiction?
Most people are able to have a few drinks, or even drink too much once in a while. Doing so doesn't cause them any lasting harm. Drinking excessively is known as alcohol abuse. However, when this behavior continues, it can become an addiction. For many people, alcohol addiction (or alcoholism) is the reality they live in.
An alcohol addiction occurs when someone drinks too much for too long a period of time. It's difficult to say how long it might take someone to become an alcoholic. The length of time is going to vary from person to person. However, once you become an alcoholic, there is no turning back.

Alcoholism is characterized by several identifying factors. These can include:
- Not being able to stop drinking once you start
- Setting limits for how much you'll drink, and not being able to stick to them
- Feeling the need to drink at odd times during the day
- Binge drinking regularly
- Feeling as though you need alcohol to feel normal
Alcoholics typically depend on alcohol to help them get through the day. Although, there are alcoholics who only participate in binge drinking. Alcoholism looks different for everyone. Even so, no matter what it looks like, alcoholism is dangerous unless recovery takes place.
Once an individual has become an alcoholic, professional treatment is the only answer. It's not possible to simply stop drinking, and for those who attempt it, it can be dangerous. An alcohol addiction causes withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking abruptly. These symptoms can involve delirium tremens, which can be fatal.
Alcohol rehab is recommended for anyone who is an alcoholic. This generally begins with a period of alcohol detoxification. Detox is the method that is used to purify the body from toxins. There are medications that can be given to help, or a more holistic approach may be chosen.
During alcohol treatment, patients work closely with therapists and in group settings. The goal is to get to the reason behind the alcoholism. This can take some time, and it's best to be able to focus solely on recovery. This is why inpatient alcohol rehab is so highly recommended.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization that was designed to specifically help alcohols with recovering. Anyone who is an alcoholic is able to attend these meetings, which are set up in a support group format. AA was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith.

Alcoholics who participate in AA in Missoula will work through the 12 Steps of recovery. Participants are welcome and encouraged to remain in AA for as long as they need to. Eventually, they will be able to function as sponsors. This allows them to help new AA members on their recovery journeys as well.
People are often very concerned about what will happen when they go to their first AA meeting. These concerns are normal, and it's OK for you to feel nervous. You'll be happy to know that Missoula AA meetings are not frightening at all. You won't be asked to stand up and speak in front of a large crowd of people. You also won't feel out of place.
When you go to AA meeting in Missoula, you'll be among new friends. It is a tremendous opportunity for you to meet new people with goals that are similar to yours.
You don't have to go to rehab to get clean. Many people are able to successfully chart a course to recovery with the assistance of support groups. Others rely on support groups to supplement the skills and coping mechanisms they learned in rehab. By finding a local group that you trust and where you feel welcomed, you exponentially increase your odds of lasting recovery.

Missoula AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the single most popular recovery program in the world, and has helped millions of addicts get and remain sober. The program is structured around 12 steps. By working these steps, participants are able to achieve sobriety, make amends to those they have hurt, and put the pieces of their lives back together. Meetings are free, and happen at virtually all times of the day and throughout the week. To find an Alcoholics Anonymous group near you,click here.
Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
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Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Missoula Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
This is an open discussion group. It is located on the second floor. This location is handicap accessible.
Sunday Morning Speaker Meeting
Fourth D Alano Club
1500 W. Broadway
Missoula, MT
This is an open, speaker meeting at a handicap accessible location.
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Silvertip Group
Immanuel Lutheran Church
830 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This meeting is open and involves discussion.
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Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
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Missoula Women's Group
Providence Center
900 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held in room 103 in the basement. This is a closed meeting that is handicap accessible for women only.
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No Name Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
This is an open discussion group. It is located on the second floor. This location is handicap accessible.
Young Guns in Sobriety
First Presbyterian Church
201 S. 5th St. W.
Missoula, MT
This is an open literature study group. Please enter through the east side, and the meeting is in the basement.
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Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
Missoula Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
This is an open discussion group. It is located on the second floor. This location is handicap accessible.
Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Breathin' Easy Group
Unitarian Fellowship Church
102 Mcleod
Missoula, MT
This is an open discussion meeting that is handicap accessible.
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High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
Missoula Women's Group
Providence Center
900 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held in room 103 in the basement. This is a closed meeting that is handicap accessible for women only.
Solution Group
First Presbyterian Church
201 S. 5th St. W.
Missoula, MT
The meeting is located in the west building, upstairs in room 206. Please enter through the main entrance. It is a closed meeting and handicap accessible. Babysitting is available.
Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
Missoula Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held on the second floor. This is for beginners, involving a speaker and discussion.
Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
Missoula Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held on the second floor. It is an open discussion meeting that is handicap accessible.
Missoula Women's Group
Providence Center
900 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held in room 103 in the basement. This is a closed meeting that is handicap accessible for women only.
Early Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
Sunrise Group
Unity Church
546 South Ave. W.
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion group, and it is a closed meeting. Please enter through the side entrance, and the meeting is in the basement.
High Noon Group
First United Methodist Church
300 E. Main
Missoula, MT
Entry is through the doors in the back of the church. The meeting is held in the third floor, in the first room on the left. It is an open discussion.
Missoula Group
Radio Central Building
127 E. Main
Missoula, MT
The meeting is held on the second floor. It is an open discussion meeting that is handicap accessible.
Keep it Simple
University Congregational Church (UCC)
405 University Ave.
Missoula, MT
This meeting is closed.
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Check here for a complete listing of AA groups in Missoula.
What is Drug Addiction?
Quite often, it's hard for people to understand why people form drug addictions. They think of it as a problem that can be eliminated by simply stopping the use of drugs. Unfortunately, it is not that easy.

A drug addiction occurs after a period of abusing drugs.
There are some instances when addiction can take place after just one use. For example, some experts believe that it's possible to become addicted to cocaine and heroin immediately. For most people, it takes time to form an addiction.
Drug addiction, like all types of addictions, is a disease of the brain. You need much more than willpower to stop using. Science has gone to great lengths to show exactly how drugs work in the brain. They actually change the structure of it. This can make it nearly impossible to stop using drugs without some form of professional support and guidance.
In most cases, people find that they need professional drug treatment in order to stop using. Without it, they are likely to relapse, and this puts them at risk for an overdose.
Drug rehab looks different for everyone because patients all have different needs. Some may do well in an inpatient setting, while others require outpatient treatment to be successful. It's important to find what will work for each individual person.
Many people with drug addictions need a period of drug detox prior to going to rehab. This allows them to treat the physical part of the addiction. Detoxification will address the cravings and other withdrawal symptoms that result from stopping the use of drugs. It also prepares the addict to go to drug rehab.
It's important to note that ongoing treatment is essential in drug addiction recovery. It's not enough to just go to drug detox or inpatient rehab. Participation in a support group, or working with an outpatient therapist are both excellent options.

Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is an organization that was founded to help drug addicts recover. It was designed after Alcoholics Anonymous due to that organization's success. Some people say that NA is much more informal and relaxed than AA. For this reason, many alcoholics actually choose to come to NA instead.
Narcotics Anonymous in Missoula offers hope to people who feel they have none. It gives them a place to talk with others who are facing the same struggles they're facing. These groups have been very instrumental in the lives of so many people.
Going to an NA meeting is likely to be scary for newcomers. You don't know what to expect, and you're walking into a room that's full of strangers. If this is how you feel, it's OK. No one expects you to be calm on your first visit.
However, you should know that there's nothing to be concerned about. You won't be put on the spot and asked to speak in front of everyone. You will be made to feel welcome as soon as you arrive. After that, you're welcome to sit and listen to everyone as they share.
Missoula NA Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous relies upon the same core steps and set of principles that AA uses, but NA's focus is helping addicts get off of drugs. NA also sponsors drug-specific programs such as Marijuana Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous. To find your local NA meeting,click here.
There are also other Missoula, Montana NA directories you can check out as well. If you don't like the first NA meeting you choose, don't be concerned. There are many more in the area that might suit you and your needs much better.
Half-way There Group
Grace United Methodist Church
1756 S. 10th Street
Missoula, MT
Garfield is the closest cross street and this is an open meeting, studying the basic text.
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Freedom Group Steps
Providence Center
902 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
This is an open meeting.
Freedom Group
Providence Center
902 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
This is an open meeting.
Freedom Group
Grace United Methodist Church
1756 S. 10th Street
Missoula, MT
Garfield is the closest cross street and this is an open meeting.
Noon Acceptance Group
Fire Department
625 East Pine St.
Missoula, MT
This is an open meeting.
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Freedom Group
Providence Center
902 North Orange St.
Missoula, MT
This is an open meeting.
Acceptance Group
Sovereign Hope Church
1919 North Avenue West
Missoula, MT
This is a discussion and participation group. The meeting is open.
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Al-Anon and Alateen Support Groups
Al-Anon is available for families with loved ones suffering with addictions. Likewise, Alateen is also available for teenagers and children with addicted family members. These two are both a part of the larger organization, Al-Anon.
Al-Anon was founded in 1951, after the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous. There was a definite need for some type of support for the families of addicts. Quite often families are left in the dark with no one to turn to. They aren't sure how to cope with their loved ones' addictions. Both Alanon and Alateen meet that important need.
When you go to Alateen or Alanon in Missoula, Montana, you're going to be made to feel right at home. The people there understand the challenges you're going through because they've been there. They know how hard it is. You'll be welcome to listen in as others share about their experiences. Or, you can choose to talk about your needs right away.
Above all, you should leave the meeting feeling encouraged and uplifted. You'll get the support you need from people who understand.
Addiction is a disease that can infect an entire community. Loved ones may sacrifice precious time trying to encourage an addict to seek help. They may also be lied to, stolen from, or completely disregarded. Addiction causes addicts to forget who they really are, prioritizing drugs or alcohol above all else. Rather than trying to get the addict to be better, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon focus on helping loved ones cope with loving an addict. These programs enable loved ones to set clear boundaries, learn about the disease of addiction, and protect themselves from co-dependency. Two spin-off programs, Alateen and Naranon, work with teens who love someone who struggles with addiction.
You can find a Nar-Anon family group near your home by followingthis link.
Missoula Drug Support Groups
No support group can possibly work for everyone who joins, and NA is no different. Some users prefer a secular program that does not make reference to a "higher power." Others simply want something to supplement the work they do in NA. SMART Recovery offers an alternative model.
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Guides
Take an in-depth look into recovery topics with our amazing, up-to-date recovery guides.
Addiction GuidesCan Addiction be Treated?
Yes, addiction can be treated, and it should be treated. No one with an addiction should try to stop using on their own. Furthermore, it's best to seek out professional help prior to considering an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group. These organizations are wonderful, and they have done so much good for so many people. However, they aren't a good substitute for professional treatment.
You will want to be sure you find an excellent facility to treat your addiction.
Look for a facility with a solid reputation and a good success rate. The alcohol or drug rehab you choose should be accredited. They should also strive to treat each patient as an individual by offering personalized treatment plans.

Are You Addicted? Take a Quiz
Take one of our addiction quizzes to find out if you or someone you care about needs help today.
Alcohol and Drug Rehab is the Best Place to Start Your Recovery
There's no doubt that alcohol and drug rehab is the right place for you to begin your recovery. Also, if you are struggling with a behavioral addiction, rehab is the right place for you to be too. Addictions are all so similar to each other, and they often overlap. You need the type of treatment that will address your needs on a personal level.
Taking that first step and admitting you have a problem is often the hardest part. We're here for you every step of the way.
At Northpoint Recovery, we want you to know that we understand your struggles. We know how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that you need addiction recovery.
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Do you need to learn more about additional drug and alcohol resources in Missoula, Montana? Do you have questions about professional treatment? We're here to assist you with everything you need. Please contact us today.

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Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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