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Tranquilizer Addiction, Abuse and Treatment in Idaho

Tranquilizer Abuse, Addiction and Possible Substance Abuse Treatment Options in Idaho

Tranquilizer abuse and addiction have been serious problems in Idaho for a very long time.

Do You Have Questions About Tranquilizer Rehab? Call Our Addiction Experts Now.

Getting off these drugs can be extremely difficult, and it usually requires some time spent in detox and rehab. These medications can be very helpful when they are used appropriately. But when they are not, they can lead to dependence.

Like many other types of medications, tranquilizers have their medical uses. They are often prescribed to treat anxiety, panic disorder and similar mental health issues. They are not intended to be used for a long period of time. But because they can work so well, there are doctors who tend to leave their patients on them for a very long time.

It is so important to understand the dangers of tranquilizers. Most people who take them assume that they are no more risky than using over-the-counter drugs. But this false perception of safety is exactly what can make them so dangerous. We want to help people understand the risks involved with abusing tranquilizers and the type of addiction treatment in Idaho that may be needed for recovery.

Tranquilizer Addiction Information

What are Tranquilizers?

As we mentioned previously, tranquilizers are prescription medications that doctors often use to treat anxiety disorders. They are particularly helpful for people who have difficulty sleeping at night because they cause drowsiness. They help people sleep all through the night and also have a calming effect during the day.

There are several types of drugs that may fall into this classification. They include benzodiazepines, barbiturates and sleeping pills.

Tranquilizer Abuse and Tranquilizer Addiction Symptoms

While it may be true that tranquilizers are often prescribed by doctors, it’s fairly easy to find them on the street. Some of the most common names of these types of drugs are:

  • Benzos
  • Downers
  • Hypno
  • Moggies
  • Bennies
  • Tranx

They produce a euphoric high and feelings of relaxation that are easily addictive, and one of the main reasons that addiction occurs without much effort is because of the fact that most people obtain their tranquilizers by prescription. There is a common misconception that prescribed medications are not dangerous.

If you’re concerned that you or someone you love may have developed an addiction to tranquilizers, addiction behaviors might include a loss of inhibitions, dulled emotions and a lack of motivation to complete even basic tasks. Tranquilizer addiction symptoms can physically manifest as hypertension and muscle weakness.

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The Long Term Effects of Tranquilizers

With long term tranquilizer abuse that has become an addiction, the results can be very dangerous. It’s common for people to feel disconnected from themselves, and depersonalization is fairly common. When you feel as though you’ve “lost yourself” and you don’t feel connected to who you are as a person, you can become depressed. As you know, depression often leads to thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

In addition, you might also experience heart problems, breathing difficulties and hallucinations with the long term use of tranquilizers. It’s normal for people to need to increase the amounts they take because of building up a tolerance. However, when this occurs outside the recommendations of a physician, the result can be dangerous, and can even result in a coma or death.

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Tranquilizer Withdrawal Symptoms and Alternatives to Stopping Them

The risk of developing tranquilizer withdrawal symptoms is very real when stopping these drugs quickly, but so many people attempt to do just that despite the risks. You may not have meant to become addicted to tranquilizers, and it’s possible that the thought of being addicted to them now is a bit scary for you. Regardless, it’s important for you to realize that serious tranquilizer withdrawal symptoms can result, and these can include heart attacks, seizures or strokes.

Tranquilizers should always be stopped under the care and supervision of a qualified physician or by the staff of a tranquilizer addiction treatment center. Most likely, your dosage will need to be tapered down so that your brain can adjust to the smaller amounts of the medication. You may also need to participate in drug detox, and going to one of the best tranquilizer rehab centers can help you understand and recover from the root of your addiction.

Are Tranquilizers Contributing to Idaho’s Opioid Epidemic?

Most people are aware of how serious the opioid crisis has become in Idaho, as well as elsewhere in the U.S. But now there is speculation that prescribing some types of tranquilizers may only be making that problem worse.

Xanax, Valium and Klonopin are all benzodiazepines, and they are frequently prescribed to patients who need them. When they are taken for short periods of time, they can be very beneficial. But when they are abused in any way, they can quickly turn deadly.

Teenagers may find it easy to get their hands on any of the drugs we listed above because of how readily they are prescribed. Over the last several years, there has been a 54% increase in teen drug overdoses. In addition to that, the CDC reports that 63% of opioid overdoses in 25 states shows that some other type of drug was involved. Around 33% of these cases include benzos.

Benzodiazepines and opioids should never be taken together. The combination is highly addictive, and the result can be significant respiratory depression that can be fatal.

While there have been changes put in place to help prevent prescribing these drugs together, it can still happen. When it does, it puts people at risk for overdosing, but many people find that they get addicted to both drugs.

Getting Treatment for Tranquilizer Addiction and Abuse

When a person stops taking some types of drugs – such as marijuana – the resulting withdrawal symptoms are usually negligible. That is not the case with tranquilizers. Some types of withdrawal can lead to emergency situations, and there are people who have died as a result. It is important to understand how potent these drugs are, and that treatment is the safest way to proceed with quitting.

The drug detoxification process usually lasts about seven to ten days, but this can vary, depending on the individual’s progress. The goal during detox is to remove all toxins from the body and control withdrawal. This might mean tapering the patient off the drug slowly as a way to minimize the severity of the resulting symptoms.

Medical detox is very helpful during tranquilizer detox. It can help make it much easier, and it can also eliminate some of the symptoms altogether.

After detoxing, the patient should immediately move on to a quality drug rehabilitation program. This is important because the patient needs to understand why they started using tranquilizers in the first place. For many, they were most likely attempting to self-medicate the symptoms of a co-occurring disorder.

Co-occurring disorders like anxiety and panic disorder are common among people who are addicted to tranquilizers. Some may have started using simply by increasing their dosages on their own. Others may have found that taking these medications helped them with their mental health symptoms for a period of time.

During rehab, therapy helps patients come to terms with the root cause of their addictive behaviors. It shows them that it is possible to stop using tranquilizers and live a life that is full and happy without them.

Our 28-Day Drug Rehab Program in Boise, Idaho

Northpoint Recovery offers a 28-day drug rehab facility in Boise, Idaho. We are an inpatient program, and our services include both detox and rehab. We believe this is important because our patients need both types of treatment in order to be successful.

Our patients begin by going through the detox process, and then they transition into rehab. They meet their therapist and begin participating in group and family sessions as soon as possible. Most importantly, they receive quality care based on a treatment plan that has been specifically designed to meet their needs.

Talk With Someone Today About Tranquilizer Abuse, Addiction, Detox and Rehab in Idaho

At Northpoint Recovery, we have worked with many people who suffered from tranquilizer addictions. We know the pain that these medications have caused people in Idaho. Our staff members are very experienced in helping people recover from this addiction.

Do you need to know more about tranquilizer addiction and abuse? Do you have questions about our detox and rehab center in Idaho? Please contact us today.

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