Dilaudid Addiction, Abuse, Rehab and Recovery
Dilaudid abuse and addiction are rampant all across the Midwest and the Northwest United States. Although going to detox and rehab are two possible options people have, not enough choose them. Many people continue to use because they are either afraid to ask for help, or they do not know how.
Dilaudid is a drug that also goes by the name, hydromorphone. It is only ever prescribed as a way to treat serious pain, and it is never intended to be used long-term. It is an opioid drug, which makes it highly addictive. In this particular case, it is possible to form a dependence on this drug even when it is used appropriately. When it is abused, becoming addicted is expected for most people.
This drug is eight times stronger than morphine. As a result, it is known to be very effective at treating pain, but that fact also makes it much more addictive than other opioids. Whether a person is abusing it knowingly or unknowingly, it is important to know the risks and how to get help.

Another Name for Dilaudid: Hospital Heroin
Most people assume that medical professionals “know better” than to abuse drugs or get addicted to them. But the reality is that they often suffer from addictions; specifically to prescription drugs like Dilaudid.
Dilaudid is often referred to as “hospital heroin” because it is so strong. It is a drug that is rarely prescribed to people on an outpatient basis for that very reason. But it is a relatively easily accessible drug for those who work in hospitals.
There have been many doctors and nurses who have lost their licenses because of abusing Dilaudid. Some of them are located in Idaho and elsewhere in the Northwest and Midwest states. It is no longer as easy to obtain this drug from doctors because of the opioid crisis. But for professionals, it is quite the temptation to take it from their places of employment.
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Verify InsuranceThe Dangers of Dilaudid Addiction
A prescription for Dilaudid comes with a long list of warnings. Among them is a warning that the drug can be habit-forming, especially with prolonged use. It may not take very long at all for a person to become addicted to this medication. But it all begins by abusing it.
Once a person starts abusing Dilaudid, they experience a sensation of euphoria. This feeling occurs because of excess amounts of dopamine, which are being released in the brain. As more abuse occurs over time, the brain loses the ability to produce this chemical on its own. At that point, the individual is addicted and must continue using the drug in order to feel normal.
Euphoria is a short-term effect that people typically start experiencing shortly after taking their first dose of Dilaudid. It is the reason why people abuse it. But it is not the only short-term effect they may experience.
Even when people only take Dilaudid for a short period of time, they may experience any or all of the following:
- Feeling irritable.
- Problems with sleeping.
- Frequent dizzy spells.
- A fever and/or chills.
- Symptoms of depression.
- Suicidal thoughts.
These symptoms may not take long to manifest. They may become noticeable in as little as two to three weeks of continued Dilaudid abuse.
The long-term effects of Dilaudid are just as troubling. As time goes on, people may start to experience:
- High blood pressure.
- Frequent and vivid hallucinations.
- Paranoid thoughts or behaviors.
- The sudden onset of seizures.
- Problems with breathing.
- Respiratory arrest.
Most people find that after long-term use, they are addicted to Dilaudid. Once that addiction is formed, it can be very hard to stop using without professional help. Detox and rehab are both highly recommended.
Our Facility and Location
Northpoint Recovery is a state of the art, comfortable and modern inpatient detox and drug rehab facility designed to help our clients get the help they need to overcome addiction.

Recovering From Dilaudid Addiction
Stopping the use of a drug like Dilaudid will lead to withdrawal symptoms. Some of the more common opioid withdrawal symptoms include:
- Having intense cravings.
- Body cramps.
- Cold sweats
- Diarrhea
- Problems with sleep.
- Nausea and/or vomiting.
- Physical pain.
The best Dilaudid addiction treatment programs are two-fold. They address both the physical and the mental aspects of the addiction. This generally means going through detox and rehab.
Drug detox is the process of removing toxins from the body that are left behind by various drugs. Someone who is addicted to Dilaudid will greatly benefit from detoxing because it will help with their withdrawal symptoms.
In the case of Dilaudid addictions, the patient may be tapered off the drug slowly. They may be recommended for medical detox, which allows them to take medications to help with their symptoms. There are several that are approved for this purpose, including Suboxone, Vivitrol and Methadone.
During drug rehab, patients under different types of therapy. The goal is to address the underlying issues of their addictions. Many people suffer from co-occurring disorders, but so few of them are aware, or have been diagnosed. Mental health conditions like anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder are frequently to blame for substance abuse problems.
A drug addiction is very personal, and it needs to be treated that way. The best drug rehab programs in the mid and northwest offer their patients personalized treatment plans. These treatment plans are structured with their individual needs in mind.
Recover From Dilaudid Addiction at Northpoint Recovery
At Northpoint Recovery, we offer one of the best drug detox and rehab programs in Idaho. In fact, many other facilities across the country refer their patients to us, and we are proud to offer them our services.
Our 28-day program involves both detox and rehab, and the transition happens smoothly because both are available at our Boise facility. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the personalized treatment they need to meet their recovery goals. We also treat other types of addictions, including alcoholism.
Would you like more information about Dilaudid abuse, addiction or treatment? We are here to help. Please contact us.

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