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Staying Sober in College

A college campus is an environment that lends itself to substance abuse and addiction—even as your young loved one may try staying sober in college. Contact Northpoint Recovery at 888.296.8976 to learn more about how to stay sober in college, how drugs and alcohol affect students, and how our drug and alcohol addiction programs can help your young loved one.

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction in College

The media portrays American colleges as huge fraternity and sorority house parties with students drinking from red cups, playing drinking games, and making bad decisions. It’s just what happens in college—so many students think. They don’t understand the difference between drinking in moderation and addiction or alcoholism. Many students perceive drinking as just part of their social lives in college. This could not be farther from the truth.

Someone’s age or setting does not change the fact that they are an alcoholic. No matter who it is or where they are, if someone is addicted to alcohol, they are an alcoholic and will most likely need alcoholic rehab.

Health Complications from College Drinking

Since college campuses are such a hotspot for alcohol use, it’s worth looking at the common effects of alcohol abuse in this setting, like:

  • Increased depressive symptoms accompanied by drinking to cope
  • Attempted suicide and self-harm behaviors
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Engagement in risky sexual behavior
  • Poorer executive functions
  • Poor academic achievement
  • Lifetime use of any substance

These adverse health effects of alcohol misuse on college campuses are severe but preventable.

Binge Drinking: More Than Just a Fun Night Out

One reason many college students do not believe they have an alcohol problem is that they only drink once or twice a week. While this seems infrequent, the next question is how much they drink once or twice weekly. Binge drinking is the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period.

One of the main issues with binge drinking is the decisions people make while severely under the influence of alcohol. College students are especially susceptible to making bad decisions because they are less familiar with their limits and the effects of alcohol.

Another problem with binge drinking is that it often leads to blackouts. These are defined as when a person is temporarily unable to form new long-term memories while relatively maintaining other skills, such as talking or even driving, after binge drinking. Blackouts occur because of a disruption in hippocampus activity, the part of the brain associated with memory formation. If someone is experiencing a blackout, they are rapidly forgetting everything happening at the moment, and their brain function is being compromised, leading to poor judgment, risky making, and overall confusion.

Drug Abuse and Addiction in College

Many people are not surprised by frequent and excessive drinking in college, but people may be unaware that alcohol is not the only substance being abused on college campuses.

Prevalence of Drugs in the College Setting

Drug abuse and addiction is a significant problem for college students. Experts are calling on universities to address the drug abuse issues on campus because drugs are more readily available on college campuses, and students are more susceptible to use.

Drug Abuse for Academic Performance Enhancement

Some students turn to prescription drugs to give them a boost in their studying and attention focus. These students may illegally use stimulants to stay awake, focus, study for big exams, or write papers. Due to many students who struggle with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and are prescribed Adderall or Ritalin, the drugs are easily accessible on college campuses. Students take these drugs that are prescription drugs for ADHD so often that it seems as if they don’t recognize it as drug abuse.

Learn How to Stay Sober in College at Northpoint Recovery in Idaho

Staying sober in college will help ensure a person’s long-term success and happiness. Contact Northpoint Recovery at 888.296.8976 today to learn more about how drugs and alcohol affect students and how our programs and services can help you or your young loved one.