Pasco, WA Overdose, Treatment, & Addiction Resources
Drug/alcohol addiction has become one of the most widespread and devastating health crises the country has ever seen.
Each year, tens of thousands of Americans die as the result of a substance use problem. And what’s worse, many of them felt like they had nowhere to turn for help.
However, there are plenty of addiction resources in Pasco, Washington for suffering addicts to take advantage of. From help during an overdose and self-help support groups to educational opportunities and professional treatment programs, there are countless community resources to take advantage of.
This comprehensive guide covers some of the best resources in the area.
Addiction doesn’t have to be an isolating disease. And these resources prove it.
Drug & Alcohol Overdoses
There are a host of harsh consequences of addiction.
It can cause the loss of family, destroy a career, ruin a legal reputation, and result in a nearly unbreakable cycle of addiction. But few consequences are quite as permanent as that of a heightened risk of overdosing.
Overdosing on drugs and alcohol can not only cause serious and lifelong problems for vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver, but it can also lead to seizures, stroke, heart attack, and even death.
In fact, overdoses have become so prevalent across America today that they’re actually the #1 cause of death among U.S. citizens under the age of 50.
And with an estimated 72 thousand overdose deaths happening in 2017 alone, dying from too much drug and/or alcohol use kills more people than guns, traffic accidents, and even certain types of cancer.
It’s never been more important, then, to know how to identify the signs of a drug or alcohol overdose and get the victim to the emergency help that they need.
Not all overdoses will look exactly the same. The quantity of the drug taken, the type of substance, whether or not it was mixed with any other drugs, and even individual body type and health all come into play in what an overdose looks like.
That’s why it’s so important to recognize the signs of an overdose for some of the most commonly abused drugs today.
And the sooner you can identify the signs of an overdose, the quicker you can take steps that may end up saving a life.
Prescription Opioids – An overdose on prescription opioids can cause the following symptoms:
- Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
- Falling asleep or loss of consciousness
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Choking or gurgling sounds
- Limp body
- Pale, blue, or cold skin
Heroin – The signs of overdosing on heroin include:
- No breathing
- Shallow breathing
- Slow and difficult breathing
- Dry mouth
- Extremely small pupils, sometimes as small as the head of a pin (pinpoint pupils)
- Discolored tongue
- Low blood pressure
- Weak pulse
- Bluish-colored nails and lips
- Constipation
- Spasms of the stomach and intestines
- Coma
- Delirium
- Disorientation
- Drowsiness
- Uncontrolled muscle movements
Alcohol – Drinking too much alcohol can result in alcohol poisoning. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:
- Confusion
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
- Irregular breathing (a gap of more than 10 seconds between breaths)
- Blue-tinged skin or pale skin
- Low body temperature (hypothermia)
- Passing out (unconsciousness) and can't be awakened
Cocaine – A cocaine overdose may cause the following symptoms:
- Seizures
- Loss of awareness of surroundings
- Loss of urine control
- High body temperature, severe sweating
- High blood pressure, very fast heart rate or irregular heart rhythm
- Bluish color of the skin
- Fast or difficulty breathing
- Death
Benzodiazepines – Some signs of an overdose on benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc.) include:
- Drowsiness
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Weakness
- Slurred speech
- Lack of coordination
- Difficulty breathing
- Coma
Crystal Meth – A crystal meth overdose may cause the following symptoms:
- Agitation
- Chest pain
- Coma or unresponsiveness (in extreme cases)
- Heart attack
- Irregular or stopped heartbeat
- Difficulty breathing
- Very high body temperature
- Kidney damage and possibly kidney failure
- Paranoia
- Seizures
- Severe stomach pain
- Stroke
Saving a Life During an Overdose
If you recognize the signs of an overdose, the most important step you can take for saving their life is to contact emergency services by calling 9-1-1 immediately.
While you may be tempted to avoid contacting the authorities due to legal concerns, the truth is that nearly every second counts when it comes to an overdose on drugs or alcohol. And the longer you delay, the more you might be jeopardizing the victim’s life.
It’s also important that if you have to leave the side of the victim to call 911, even for just a minute, you should always put them in the recovery position so as to avoid choking.
In addition to dispatching an ambulance, the operators at emergency services will be able to provide life-saving advice that you yourself can use to ensure the best odds of recovery. They may tell you to administer CPR, try to cause the victim to throw up, or rehydrate them with liquids. However, you should always wait for instructions from the professionals before administering such care.
Once the ambulance arrives, the emergency service workers will take over caring for the victim. They may administer certain medications to reverse the overdose and engage in other treatments to reduce the damage caused by the overdose.
Finally, the victim will be transported to an emergency room.
12-Step Meetings Near Pasco, WA
One of the best free addiction resources in Pasco – and around the entire country – are 12-step support groups. Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon are widely available, open to all, and (best of all) proven to help support recovery from addiction.
In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) even lists 12-step groups as one of 8 evidence-based behavioral therapies for addiction treatment.
All 12-step groups are built on the same core founding principles known as the 12 steps (hence the name). These steps were first developed and outlined by the founders Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. And according to 12-step proponents, they outline a proven path from addiction to sobriety.
12-step meetings function as a sort of group therapy session. Though the format varies from group to group, many will consist of individual members sharing with the group their story, their personal struggles, and their achievements on the road to sobriety. And from these personal stories, other members can learn from the experiences of others along the way.
Many 12-step groups will also incorporate some form of sponsorship. Sponsorship is a type of mentorship program where more experienced members help guide newer ones through the initial stages of recovery. The close and frequent contact between sponsors and sponsees helps promote accountability, honesty, and sobriety.
And finally, all 12-step programs respect the anonymity of each and every member. Sadly, recovery is plagued by an intense stigma surrounding addiction. And given the wrong circumstances, news spreading of an individual’s substance abuse problem can lead to the loss of social status, a career, and even friends and family members in some cases.
With 12-step groups, all members’ full identity is never exposed, asked for, or even required for membership. And that can make a world of a difference to anyone struggling through the recovery process.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
The original 12-step group that started it all, Alcoholics Anonymous or AA was first founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio by New York stockbroker Bill W. and surgeon Dr. Bob S.
Five years after it began, AA had around 1,400 members and 50 different groups across the country. By 2017, the organization had grown to nearly 2.1 million members and over 120 thousand groups across the world.
AA is without a doubt the largest 12-step group today and, in fact, may even be the biggest support group in general.
As a result, meetings are held in every major city in America and are in close proximity to even the smallest townships in the country.
Within Pasco itself, there are plenty of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to choose from. Below are AA groups taking place in the city limits organized by day.
Grupo Cominidad
Sunday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Sunday at 10:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Sunday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Sunday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Sunday No-Name
Sunday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
7th Day Adventist Church
605 Rd 36
Pasco, WA 99301
Grupo Cominidad
Monday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
La Vina Grupo
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1307 W. Court St Suite 2 Pasco, Wa
1307 W Court St #2
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Tuesday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Conscious Contact
Tuesday at Noon
Meeting is closed to members only.
Knights of Columbus / Moose Lodge
2617 W Sylvester St
Pasco, WA 99301
Grupo 12
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Wednesday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
La Vina Grupo
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1307 W. Court St Suite 2 Pasco, Wa
1307 W Court St #2
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
A New Freedom
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
7th Day Adventist Church
605 Rd 36
Pasco, WA 99301
Wheelchair accessible.
Grupo Cominidad
Thursday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Friday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
La Vina Grupo
Friday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1307 W. Court St Suite 2 Pasco, Wa
1307 W Court St #2
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Friday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Friday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Saturday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo 12
Saturday at 10:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
One Day At A Time
Saturday at 3:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Pasco Christian Church
1524 W Marie St
Pasco, WA 99301
Grupo 12
Saturday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1416 W. Clark Pasco,Wa
1416 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
Grupo Cominidad
Saturday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
411 W Clark Pasco, Wa
411 W Clark St
Pasco, WA 99301
Spanish meeting.
AA Groups Nearby
Though Pasco has a huge number of meetings for residents to choose from, its close proximity to Richland and Kennewick means that there are even more options to choose from nearby.
So whether the schedules of the Pasco meetings don't match up with yours or if you're looking for a meeting with a different kind of feel to it than the groups above have to offer, there are still plenty of other meetings to check out close by.
Up For Sobriety
Sunday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Step Study meeting. Tradition Study meeting.
Into Action
Sunday at 8:00AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Came to Believe
Sunday at 9:00AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Sunday Winners
Sunday at 11:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Sunday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
RFG Womens Meeting Women
Sunday at 3:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Meeting for women only.
Sunday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Chapter 5
Sunday at 7:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
St Paul's Episcopal Church
1609 W 10th Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Sunday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Sunday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Last Call for Serenity
Sunday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Up For Sobriety
Monday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Monday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Monday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Monday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Monday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Time Out Women
Monday at 2:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Meeting for women only.
Happy Hour
Monday at 5:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Monday at 5:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Newcomer meeting.
Turning Point
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Center for Positive Living
210 E 3rd Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Monday Beginners
Monday at 8:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Group Fellowship Hal
Monday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Step Study meeting.
Last Call for Serenity
Monday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Up For Sobriety
Tuesday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Tuesday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Tuesday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Tuesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Tuesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Tuesday at 5:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Tuesday at 5:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Fortaleza y Esperanza
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
102 W Kenniwick Ave Kenniwick, Wa
102 W Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Spanish meeting.
There is a Solution
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Kennewick Baptist Church
2425 W Albany Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
The Steps We Took
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Big Book meeting.
Kennewick Men's Stag
Tuesday at 8:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
First Lutheran Church Room 8
418 N Yelm St
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Sunlight of the Spirit
Tuesday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Tuesday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Last Call for Serenity
Tuesday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Up For Sobriety
Wednesday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Wednesday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Wednesday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Wednesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Wednesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Time Out Women
Wednesday at 2:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Meeting for women only.
Happy Hour
Wednesday at 5:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Wednesday at 5:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
CPC/PI District
Wednesday at 6:15PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Richland Group Fellowship Hall Monthly Business Meeting
Wednesday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Pig Boys Men
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
St Joseph's Church
520 S Garfield St
Kennewick, WA 99336
Meeting is for men only.
Ball Rolling Step Sisters
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Lotus of the Moon, Uptown Plaza
1386 Jadwin Ave
Richland, WA 99352
Meeting for women only.
Wednesday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Wednesday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1924 Saint
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Big Book meeting.
Last Call for Serenity
Wednesday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Up For Sobriety
Thursday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Thursday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Thursday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Thursday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Thursday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Thursday at 5:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Big Book meeting.
Happy Hour
Thursday at 5:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Fortaleza y Esperanza
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
102 W Kenniwick Ave Kenniwick, Wa
102 W Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Spanish meeting.
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
First Lutheran Church Room 8
418 N Yelm St
Kennewick, WA 99336
Thursday Night Step Study
Thursday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Step Study meeting. Tradition Study meeting.
How It Works
Thursday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
First Baptist Church
1107 Wright Ave
Richland, WA 99354
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Thursday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Last Call for Serenity
Thursday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Up For Sobriety
Friday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Friday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Friday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Friday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Nooners
Friday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Time Out Women
Friday at 2:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible. Meeting for women only.
Back To Life, West Richland
Friday at 5:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Benton REA Bldg., West Richland
6095 W Van Giesen St
Richland, WA 99352
Happy Hour
Friday at 5:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Happy Hour
Friday at 5:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Live and Let Live
Friday at 6:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Richland Lutheran Church
901 Van Giesen St
Richland, WA 99354
Wheelchair accessible.
Speakers Meeting
Friday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Celebrating Sobriety
Friday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Friday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Last Call for Serenity
Friday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Up For Sobriety
Saturday at 7:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Early Birds
Saturday at 8:30AM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
For This Day
Saturday at 8:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Back To Basics Big Book Study
Saturday at 9:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
First Lutheran Church Room 8
418 N Yelm St
Kennewick, WA 99336
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
Saturday at 10:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Kennewick Nooners
Saturday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Happy Hour
Saturday at 5:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Fortaleza y Esperanza
Saturday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
102 W Kenniwick Ave Kenniwick, Wa
102 W Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Spanish meeting.
Saturday Night Live
Saturday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Old Juicers
Saturday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint St
Richland, WA 99354
Last Call for Serenity
Saturday at 10:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
Tri-City Alano Club
102 E Kennewick Ave
Kennewick, WA 99336
Wheelchair accessible.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Perhaps the second largest 12-step program to speak of is Narcotics Anonymous or NA. Founded in 1953, this group has since grown to hold nearly 67 thousand weekly meetings in 139 countries.
This group has many similarities to AA: it’s 100% free and anonymous, it’s built off of the 12 steps of AA, and it’s community-led with independent, local groups. But where NA differentiates itself from AA is the fact that it embraces members suffering from all types of substance addiction.
So whether an individual is hooked on crack, heroin, crystal meth, marijuana, or even alcohol, Narcotics Anonymous aims to tackle addiction in any form.
And while not as large as Alcoholics Anonymous, NA is still quite popular across the country, making meetings widely accessible to many.
Within Pasco, WA itself, there are only three Narcotics Anonymous meetings to choose from.
Church of Christ
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
7900 West Court Street
Pasco, Washington 99301-1771
Basic Text meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Church of Christ
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
7900 West Court Street
Pasco, Washington 99301-1771
Basic Text meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Church of Christ
Friday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
7900 West Court Street
Pasco, Washington 99301-1771
NA Groups Nearby
While there may not be many NA meetings in Pasco, there are still plenty of others to choose from that are still relatively nearby. Below are some of the closest, each taking place in less than 30 miles away from Pasco.
Community Theatre (Theater Lobby)
Sunday at 10:00AM
Meeting is open to all.
608 The Parkway
Richland, Washington 99352-4233
Just for Today Study Wheelchair accessible.
First Congregational Church (Basement)
Sunday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Sunday at 6:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
102 North Colville Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1915
Topic Discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
First Congregational Church (Upstairs)
Sunday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Just for Today Study
First United Methodist Church
Sunday at 7:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Basic Text meeting.
First Congregational Church (Music Room)
Monday at 6:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
First Congregational Church
Monday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Stanfield Assembly of God
Monday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
350 North Sherman Street
Stanfield, Oregon 97875
Wheelchair accessible. Step Study meeting. Tradition Study Children welcome.
First Congregational Church (Upstairs)
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Literature Study meeting.
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
325 Southwest 6th Avenue
Milton Freewater, Oregon 97862-1409
Wheelchair accessible. Step Study meeting. Tradition Study Children welcome. Directions: Corner of Southwest 6th Avenue & Park View Street
Northwest United Protestant Church
Monday at 7:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
1312 North Sacramento Boulevard
Richland, Washington 99354-3004
Basic Text meeting. It Works How and Why Study Wheelchair accessible.
First United Methodist Church (Basement)
Monday at 7:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Basic Text meeting.
First Congregational Church
Monday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Discussion/Participation meeting. Spanish meeting.
First Congregational Church
Tuesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Family Worship Center
Tuesday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
350 Northeast 8th Street
Irrigon, Oregon 97844-7016
Discussion/Participation meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Northwest United Protestant Church
Tuesday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
1312 North Sacramento Boulevard
Richland, Washington 99354-3004
Meeting for women only. Wheelchair accessible.
Stanfield Assembly of God
Tuesday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
350 North Sherman Street
Stanfield, Oregon 97875
Basic Text meeting. Children welcome. Wheelchair accessible.
First Congregational Church
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Discussion/Participation meeting.
First United Methodist Church (Basement)
Tuesday at 7:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Basic Text meeting.
First Congregational Church (Music Room)
Wednesday at 6:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
First Congregational Church
Wednesday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Wednesday at 6:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
102 North Colville Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1915
Wheelchair accessible.
First Congregational Church
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Discussion/Participation meeting.
First Congregational Church
Wednesday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Discussion/Participation meeting. Spanish meeting.
First Congregational Church
Thursday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Thursday at 6:00PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
102 North Colville Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1915
Wheelchair accessible.
First Methodist Church
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
906 9th Street
Benton City, Washington 99320-9729
Discussion/Participation meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
First Congregational Church
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
First United Methodist Church (Basement)
Thursday at 7:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Discussion/Participation meeting. Topic Discussion meeting.
Wesley United Methodist Church
Thursday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
816 South Main Street
Milton Freewater, Oregon 97862-1530
Wheelchair accessible. Beginner/Newcomer Children welcome.
In Home
Thursday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
1100 E South Main
Irrigon, Oregon 97844
Topic Discussion meeting. Discussion/Participation meeting.
First Congregational Church (Music Room)
Friday at 6:30AM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
First Congregational Church
Friday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Westside Church South (Room 123 - no children preferred)
Friday at 6:30PM
Meeting is closed to members only.
615 Wright Street
Richland, Washington 99352-3621
Step Working Guide Wheelchair accessible.
First United Methodist Church (Basement)
Friday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Discussion/Participation meeting. Topic Discussion meeting.
First Congregational Church (Basement)
Friday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Discussion/Participation meeting. Spanish meeting.
First Congregational Church
Saturday at Noon
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Topic Discussion meeting.
Northwest United Protestant Church
Saturday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
1312 North Sacramento Boulevard
Richland, Washington 99354-3004
Candlelight meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
First United Methodist Church (Basement)
Saturday at 7:30PM
Meeting is open to all.
191 E Gladys Ave
Hermiston, Oregon 97838
Discussion/Participation meeting. Topic Discussion meeting.
First Congregational Church
Saturday at 8:00PM
Meeting is open to all.
73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, Washington 99362-1925
Wheelchair accessible. Discussion/Participation meeting. Topic Discussion meeting. Speaker MTG
Al-Anon for Family & Friends
Alcoholism and addiction in any form can be devastating to the individual. Finances, career prospects, legal reputation, and mental/physical health can all suffer tremendously over the course of an addiction.
But beyond the personal downfalls of addiction are the interpersonal ones. Friends, family members, coworkers, and peers can all feel the detrimental effects of an individual’s substance abuse problem. And oftentimes, the trust, responsibility, and respect that serves as the foundation of these relationships are shattered along the way.
It’s important, then, that the people around an addict also get the support they need to heal. And when it comes to those impacted by alcoholism, there’s Al-Anon. This group is built on the same 12-step foundation of AA, but it instead focuses on the friends and family of alcoholics instead.
Formats for these meetings will likely involve some form of group sharing (similar to AA) but may also cover topics like what are the signs of addiction, how to stop enabling, and what it takes to stage a successful intervention.
Unfortunately, there is only one Al-Anon meeting that takes place within Pasco. However, there are still plenty of meeting options that take place nearby. Below are some of the closest, each holding meetings less than 45 miles away from the Tri-Cities.
Sunday Candle Light AFG
Sunday 7:00 PM
St Patricks Church
1320 W Henry St, Pasco, WA, 99301, USA
In church office on west side of church
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access
Thursday Night Hilltoppers AFG
Thursday 7:00 PM
Kennewick First Lutheran Church
418 N Yelm St, Kennewick, WA, 99336, USA
Room 8
Handicap Access
Tuesday Book Study AFG
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Kennewick First Lutheran Church
418 N Yelm St, Kennewick, WA, 99336, USA
Room 5
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access
Serenity Circle AFG
Monday 7:00 PM
First Christian Church
1921 S Olympia St, Kennewick, WA, 99337, USA
Enter annex building to right of main church.
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access
Friday Noon AFG
Friday 12:00 PM
Boy Scout Building
8478 W Gage Blvd, Kennewick, WA, 99336, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access
Serenity Seekers AFG
Wednesday 5:30 PM
Boy Scout Building
8478 W Gage Blvd, Kennewick, WA, 99336, USA
Monday Night Reality Check AFG
Monday 7:00 PM
Grace And Truth Community Church
1301 Bombing Range Rd, West Richland, WA, 99353, USA
Meeting held in lobby
Handicap Access
Awakenings AFG
Monday 6:00 PM
St Johns Episcopal Church
235 NE 7th St, Hermiston, OR, 97838, USA
Basement. access side building.
Student & Professional observers welcome.
Awakenings AFG
Wednesday 5:00 PM
St Johns Episcopal Church
235 NE 7th St, Hermiston, OR, 97838, USA
Basement. access side building.
Tuesday Night Serenity AFG
Tuesday 7:30 PM
Experience Strength And Hope AFG
Saturday 12:00 PM
First Congregational Church
73 S Palouse St, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Friday 12:00 PM
Congregational Church
73 S Palouse St, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Wednesday Noon AFG
Wednesday 12:00 PM
First Congregational Church
73 S Palouse St, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Women Of Courage AFG
Tuesday 7:00 PM
St Pauls Episcopal Church
323 Catherine St, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, USA
On corner of catherine st.and birch. if doors locked:ring bell or call cell # posted on glass door.
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access
Pendleton AFG
Tuesday 5:30 PM
St. Anthony's Hospital
2801 St. Anthony Way, Pendleton, OR, 97801, USA
Conference room 3
Handicap Access
12-Step Alternatives
While 12-step meetings like AA and NA are some of the most popular options when it comes to addiction support groups, there are still plenty of alternatives to choose from.
So whether you have differing spiritual views, can’t seem to find a meeting to match your schedule, or just don’t like the format of 12-step groups, have a look at some of the most notable alternatives to traditional 12-step groups below.
While most 12-step groups tend to teach powerlessness in the face of addiction, SMART Recovery focuses on personal empowerment instead. With science-based techniques and strategies along with meetings guided by certified instructors, SMART Recovery offers an empirical, structured approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery is recognized by a host of national addiction organizations including the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Online Addiction Support Groups
While in-person meetings tend to be the most beneficial when it comes to recovery, not everyone’s schedule will match up perfectly with that of their local support groups. On top of that, some groups may meet quite far away, making it even harder to make it to a meeting.
Thankfully, there are an enormous variety of online addiction support groups to choose from. Some are forum or email-based while others use real-time chat functions to carry out meetings – the format depends on the group itself. But no matter what kind of group you choose, they're bound to offer a much more flexible source of support that can end up being just as helpful as a face-to-face meeting.
- Online Alcoholics Anonymous Groups
- Online Narcotics Anonymous Groups (select “Web” under “Country” in “NA Meeting Search” for online groups)
- Online Al-Anon Groups
Professional Treatment Options in the Area
Emotional and motivational support is critical for a recovering addict. And when used appropriately, it can be a major factor in preventing relapse and achieving lifelong sobriety.
However, the overwhelming majority of addicts are going to need more specialized care that support groups simply cannot offer. And the absolute best place to get that care – and ensure the best chances of future sobriety – is by checking into a professional addiction treatment facility.
These facilities provide a number of benefits.
- They connect addicts with addiction experts who treat substance abusers for a living. As a result, they’re well-versed in the absolute best strategies and recovery techniques that have been proven effective.
- They can provide patients with certain addiction medications and therapies that can make the process of recovery significantly easier and more bearable.
- They can monitor the health and well-being of patients throughout the program. This enables them to both prevent and treat any serious medical complications that may arise along the way.
In general, there are two types of professional treatment options: detoxification and rehabilitation.
Detoxification – The first step of a professional treatment program, detox is the phase where the body first begins to reacclimate to functioning normally without the help of drugs or alcohol.
This phase can often be one of the most difficult to endure. Over time, addiction causes a host of physical changes throughout the body. And reversing these changes can cause a variety of uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms (called withdrawals) to pop up along the way.
These withdrawals can severe in some cases. Many addicts revert to using again just as a relief from the painful effects of detox. And other times, these withdrawals can be deadly in and of themselves (e.g., delirium tremens with alcohol detox).
Partnering with a professional detox program can make this process easier, quicker, and significantly safer. And once a patient gets through detoxification, they can begin working on the mental aspect of addiction.
Detox, then, sets the physical foundation for recovery and future sobriety.
Rehabilitation – If detoxification covers the physical side of addiction recovery, rehabilitation takes care of the mental side of it. During this form of treatment (which occurs immediately and even at the same time as detox), patients undergo a number of different therapies to help change detrimental thought processes, avoid certain behaviors, and essentially rewire the brain for sobriety.
Unfortunately, many people have the misconception that detoxification is the only treatment needed to kick addiction to the curb for good. However, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, going through detox has little or no impact on future drug use when it isn’t combined with rehabilitation afterwards.
For many, this is where the real work begins. One-on-one counseling, group talk sessions, behavioral therapies, and so much more all go into a successful rehabilitation program. And when it’s combined with detox and catered to meet the specific needs of the patient, it is without a doubt the best way of preventing relapse down the line.
What Are the Different Types of Rehab Programs?
When it comes to choosing the right kind of rehab program, one of the most important questions to answer is what kind of rehab meets your specific needs. In most cases, there are going to be three different kinds of rehabilitation programs, each with their own pros and cons.
Inpatient Rehabilitation – An inpatient program is what most people imagine when they think of rehab. Patients are required to stay on the campus grounds at all times and will eat, sleep, and receive treatment in the same location they live in.
The more controlled environment allows for less access to outside drugs (thus reducing the risk of relapsing) while also forcing patients to focus 100% on their recovery rather than the everyday stresses of normal day-to-day life.
The downsides of this program are that it can be costly, disruptive to normal life (patients won’t be able to attend work or school throughout), and it can be hard for some to accept the lack of freedom required.
An inpatient program will usually last around 30 days.
Outpatient Rehab – Outpatient is a bit more flexible. Patients in these types of programs are able to tend to their normal daily obligations – work, school, and family needs are all fair game. In the evenings on certain days, patients then attend short treatment sessions that usually only run about an hour and a half. These treatment sessions occur several times throughout the week.
The main benefit, of course, is added flexibility. Outpatient programs are also usually more affordable than inpatient ones (no room and board costs, after all).
The cons, however, are that patients may be at a higher risk of relapsing since their access to drugs and alcohol isn’t policed throughout the day. Added to that, patients will have to juggle their recovery with the stress of daily life – and stress can be a huge factor when it comes to relapsing.
An outpatient program usually lasts around 3 months.
Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs) – An intensive outpatient program offers both flexibility and a more focused form of recovery than patients will find in a typical outpatient setting.
Rather than evening treatment sessions lasting for only around an hour and a half, IOP sessions tend to be around 3 hours long. Added to that, they may occur more frequently throughout the week as well. And for many, that means a better chance at long-term sobriety.
IOPs tend to last around 3 months as well but are usually a bit more expensive than typical outpatient programs (but cheaper than inpatient).
How Can You Choose the Right Treatment Program for You?
In addition to choosing the right rehabilitation program to meet your needs (a free addiction assessment call can help you determine the best one for your situation), it’s also important to know what other aspects of a treatment program to be on the lookout for.
Below is a quick list of qualities that you should make sure your rehabilitation program has before partnering with them. It’s also worth mentioning that even though there are around 17 treatment centers in the Tri-City area, you shouldn’t limit your search only to Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland. Sometimes making the choice to travel for your treatment can end up being a lifesaver.
Qualities of A High-Quality Treatment Center
- Individualized treatment plans (no one-size-fits-all approach)
- Co-occurring disorder expertise
- A high staff-to-patient ratio
- A variety of activities (exercise, yoga, mindfulness, hiking, etc.)
- Evidence-based treatments
- 24/7 nursing care (for inpatient programs)
- National accreditation
- A robust aftercare referral system
- A passionate, helpful staff
Northpoint Washington: Your First Choice For Professional Treatment in WA
There are an enormous variety of community addiction resources in Pasco, Washington to choose from. Whether it’s help during a potentially-fatal overdose, nearby support groups, educational opportunities, or professional treatment programs, this part of Washington State has it all.
As a result, addiction doesn’t have to be isolating and leave you feeling like you have nowhere to turn. There are plenty of resources to help keep you safe, supported, and motivated to achieve sobriety.
And when it does come time to partner with a professional treatment program, Northpoint Washington is without a doubt one of the best options in the state.
Our Closest Inpatient Location:
Our Closest Outpatient Location:
Our individualized and modern inpatient rehabilitation programs are catered to meet the unique needs of each of our patients. And with only the best and most trusted empirical treatments in the industry, we provide the sturdy foundation recovering addicts need to go on and live a happy and sober life.
Plus, our program is nationally accredited and offers one of the highest staff-to-patient ratios in the state – so you can be sure you’re getting the quality care you need during recovery.
So if you’re ready to take the next step towards your full recovery, get in touch with us today.
Addiction is a disease, not a death sentence. And we’d love to help you get your life back.

Talk to a Rehab Specialist
Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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