Find Substance Abuse and Addiction Resources in Duvall, Washington
There are alcohol and drug addiction rehab resources available here in Duvall, Washington.
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”
– J.K. Rowling
The expression “rock bottom” is used to define the worst situation you could find yourself in. But, as famous author and former addict J.K. Rowling points out, from rock bottom you can only go up.
Many people suffering from addiction and substance abuse feel like they are at rock bottom. Their lives are completely out of control, and it seems like their disease has taken over their life.
In this resource guide, we will go over the steps it takes to begin your road to recovery. We will also provide you with addiction recovery resources such as:
- Alcoholics Anonymous meetings near Duvall, WA
- Narcotics Anonymous meetings near Duvall, WA
- SMART Recovery meetings near Duvall, WA
- Al Anon, Nar Anon, and Alateen meetings near Duvall, WA
- How Northpoint Recovery could help you or a loved one beat addiction
The First Step: Detox Resources in Duvall
The road to a successful recovery from drug addiction or alcoholism almost always begins with a professional detox program, followed by rehab.
The definition of the word detox is a period of time where a person stops using or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. This is a very important step in recovery, because it allows a person’s body to reset back to its normal functioning state and become healthy again. It takes time for the effects of a toxic substance to leave the body, and a detox period gives the body the time it needs. Without going through this period of detox, a relapse will be very likely.

Detox can be painful and uncomfortable, as the body will experience withdrawal symptoms. This is why many people choose to undergo detox at a facility that offers medical supervision to make sure a professional is there to help.
There are many treatment facilities that offer medically supervised detox, such as the one we offer at Northpoint Recovery, that will get you off on the right foot by ensuring a safe and successful detox experience.
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The Next Step: Rehabilitation Resources in Duvall
While detox takes care of the physical side of addiction, the mental addiction still remains. There are currently 637 different rehab facilities in Washington State alone. This means there are many options available to find the right fit for you.Â
Rehab is an important step in recovery because even after your body goes through the detox process and the substance leaves your system, your brain will still be addicted to the substance. There are two main types of rehab: inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment. Every person has different needs and is in a different place in their recovery journey. There is no one rehab facility or treatment that is effective for all people. What’s right for one person isn’t right for everyone.
Inpatient rehab treatment involves living at the rehab facility for a period of time to receive supervised medical attention during the recovery process. Patients eat, sleep, and participate in many different activities, usually including: a variety of therapy treatments, group exercise classes, and community building activities.
Inpatient rehab is an all-inclusive approach to recovery because the patient is sleeps, eats, and breathes at the facility for however long the rehab treatment lasts for. Patients are always in a healthy environment away from any temptation. They are connected a support groups and people who understand them and can help them. But, there is no one right answer for recovery. There are other options if this type of treatment is not right for you.
Outpatient rehab offers many of the same resources as inpatient rehab. The main difference is that the patient lives independently off-site and travels to the facility for groups and/or treatments.Â
If you are a person that has outside responsibilities that you cannot leave for a long period of time, then outpatient rehab may be a good option for you. It can also be a good option for someone who has already completed inpatient rehab but still needs extra support. Or it might work for someone who is further along in their recovery process.Â
Many people chose to complete inpatient rehab at first because it is proven to be the most effective addiction treatment method. This means that of all patients who finish an addiction treatment program, those who chose to do an inpatient rehab program are the least likely to relapse.Â
That being said, these facts do not mean that one type of rehab is better than the other. What matters is what will work for your lifestyle and what you, your loved ones, and your medical team believe will be the best choice for your recovery process.
Staying Sober: Recovery Meetings in Duvall
Group meetings are another resource to addiction and substance abuse recovery that can be very helpful. After completing rehab, recovery meetings can connect you with a group of recovering addict that will support you in your process and help hold you accountable.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Duvall include:

Duvall Sunday Morning
Sundays at 9:30 am
Duvall Library
15619 Main Street Northeast
Duvall Candlelight
Fridays at 8:00 pm
Holy Innocents Catholic
26526 Northeast Cherry Valley Road
Lunch with Bill W.
Mondays at 12:00 noon
Twin Dragon Restaurant
15321 Main Street Northeast
Narcotics Anonymous meetings close to Duvall, Washington include:

Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
26227 Stephens Street NE.
Duvall, WA 98019
Sundays at 10:00 am, and Fridays at 7:00 pm
Recovery Center
17880 147th Street SE
Monroe, WA 98272
SMART Recovery is another option that gives tools and resources to help manage all different kinds of addictions. They teach sensible, self-help techniques that can provide you with what you need to stay sober.Â

The SMART Recovery meeting closest to Duvall is:
Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
Alpha Recovery Choices
10614 Beardslee Blvd.
Bothell, WA 98021

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Getting Support: Recovery Meetings for Friends and Family in Duvall
The negative effects that addiction and alcoholism have on your life harm not only you, but also the ones you love. Family and friends of current or recovering addicts or alcoholics need support as well.Â
There are different recovery meetings that are specifically for spouses, children, friends, and parents of addicts to come to together and support one another. They also provide helpful advice and tips on the dos and don’ts for helping a recovering addict.
The most prominent of these groups are Al Anon, Nar Anon, and Alateen. These resources can all be found near or in Duvall, Washington.
The closest Al Anon meetings to Duvall are:

New Horizons AFG
Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Tolt Congregational Church
4851 Tolt Ave.
Carnation, WA 98014
Redmond Friday Night AFG
Fridays at 7:30 pm
Faith Lutheran Church
9041 166th Ave. NE
Redmond, WA 98052
The closest Nar Anon meetings to Duvall are:
Seeds of Hope
Mondays at 7:00 pm
Bothell United Methodist Church
18515 92nd Ave. NE
Bothell, WA 98012
Helping Hands
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
First Presbyterian Church
1306 Lakewood Ave.
Snohomish, WA 98290
Get Quality Care: Our Facility at Northpoint Recovery
Now that you know about all resources available to you, we want to tell you more about our addiction recovery center, Northpoint Recovery.Â
At Northpoint Recovery, we are dedicated to providing a safe and therapeutic environment for those who are recovering from addiction. We live by the values of commitment to excellence, doing good for others, engaging in innovative empirical based treatment, and showing respect to all.Â
We are an inpatient treatment program that offers a beautiful location to receive assistance for alcohol and drug rehabilitation for people who are overcoming addiction.Â
We offer medically supervised drug and alcohol detox, 24/7 nursing care, the highest staff to patient ratio in the region, as well as activity groups, therapy, groups, and community integration. At Northpoint Recovery, we focus on a holistic approach to drug and alcohol treatment, and we pride ourselves on treating every patient as an individual.Â
Although we have a lot to offer, Northpoint Recovery is not the recovery solution for everyone. There is no “one-size fits all” solution to addiction, and it is important to find what is right for you and your journey. We hope that with this knowledge, you can take that first step and begin your recovery process today.Â
If you believe Northpoint Recovery is a good fit for you, please start by checking out our program for alcohol detox & rehab or for drug rehab & detox depending on your need.
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