Alcohol and Drug Treatment Resources in Billings, Montana
People searching for AA Meetings in Billings, MT, and other drug and alcohol resources have come to the right place. Montana is sparsely populated, and residents prize their independence and self-sufficiency. No matter how independent you are, though, you're vulnerable to the disease of addiction. Addiction can affect anyone. It's neither a personal weakness nor a moral failing, but a real disease that requires real treatment. Inpatient rehab at a facility such as Northpoint Recovery can help you regain control over your life and stop abusing alcohol or drugs.
Rehab isn't the best option for all addicts, though. Some need a little time to try something else before they're ready to take the plunge.
Others rely on support groups and supplementary programs to stay motivated and sober after they check out of rehab. Local support groups offer you a community of people who support your sobriety goals and who will help you navigate the road to recovery.

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Resources in Billings, Montana
People searching for AA Meetings in Billings, MT, and other drug and alcohol resources have come to the right place.
Montana is sparsely populated, and residents prize their independence and self-sufficiency. No matter how independent you are, though, you're vulnerable to the disease of addiction.
Addiction can affect anyone. It's neither a personal weakness nor a moral failing, but a real disease that requires real treatment.
Inpatient rehab at a facility such as Northpoint Recovery can help you regain control over your life and stop abusing alcohol or drugs.
Rehab isn't the best option for all addicts, though. Some need a little time to try something else before they're ready to take the plunge. Others rely on support groups and supplementary programs to stay motivated and sober after they check out of rehab. Local support groups offer you a community of people who support your sobriety goals and who will help you navigate the road to recovery.
Alcohol and Drug Facts in Montana
There has never been such a great need for alcohol and drug treatment in Montana as there is now. Addiction is on the rise. The same is true for drug abuse and alcohol abuse, which both lead to addiction.
When you take a look at some of the statistics regarding addiction in Montana, it may surprise you. So many people need to get help for their addictions. Unfortunately, so many individuals don't realize that they have what qualifies as an addiction.
Drug Information
Did you know that more people in the U.S. die from drug overdoses each year than in car crashes? Most people don't. This has actually been the case for more than five years. In fact, overdoses are actually the leading cause of death in more than 31 states.
In the State of Montana overdoses from heroin and prescription opioid painkillers are increasing. The use of other drugs is on the rise as well. Statistics tell us that:
- In 2014, Montana reported 125 drug overdose deaths in total.
- This works out to be 12.4 deaths for every 100,000 people. This number is only slightly less than the national average.
- Prescriptions for opioid pain medications have quadrupled in number since 1999.
- In 2001, it was found that 9% of high school students had experimented with cocaine.
- Billings is one of the cities with the highest levels of cocaine use.
- The availability of crystal meth is increasing in Montana.
- The use of Ecstasy has increased significantly in Billings, MT.
- Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the State of Montana.
The drug addiction problem in Montana is not going away. If anything, it's only getting worse. History tells us that it will continue to do so. This is why affordable, feasible treatment options are an absolute necessity.
Alcohol Information
Alcoholism has been a problem in the United States for decades. One of the reasons for this could be because it is perceived to be safer than street drugs. Most people think nothing of drinking excessively. They don't realize how devastating the consequences of doing so can be.
In Montana, alcoholism is prevalent. Statistics tell us that:
- Montana ranks #3 on a list of states for age-adjusted alcohol-attributable deaths.
- About 13.2% of all deaths between the ages of 20 and 64 can be linked to alcohol.
- In 2011, more than 8,700 people died from alcohol-related deaths.
- From January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014, there were 21 crash fatalities because of alcohol.
- This represents an increase of 16% from the previous year.
- One study indicates that the annual loss of life because of alcohol in Montana is more than 133,000 years.
These statistics should alarm you. Furthermore, it has been shown that:
- People who drink before they are 15 years old are as much as six times more likely to develop alcohol-related diseases.
- In 2009, close to 500 people between the ages of 12 and 20 received alcohol treatment.
- More than 30% of high school students in Montana reported heavy drinking within the last 30 days.
- Selling alcohol to minors in Montana results in a very small fine of $250.
- Sales licenses are not revoked until a proprietor has received four offenses.
This information is unnerving, to say the least. Clearly, alcoholism is a problem in Montana. Alcohol treatment services are desperately needed for alcoholics.
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services in Billings, MT
There are so many different services available for those with addictions. The problem is that most people don't realize they're there. In addition to alcohol rehab and drug rehab, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are available. There are also programs designed to help families and loved ones.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?
The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is to provide a place for alcoholics to stay sober. It is also to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. AA was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. It is a program that holds weekly meetings for its members. AA follows the 12 Steps of recovery, which has shown to be instrumental in helping many people recover.
Members do not have to pay anything to go to AA meetings in Billings, MT, or anywhere else in the world. They are required to remain sober while they are participating in the program.
The Importance of AA Meetings
The importance of AA in Billings cannot be understated. This program provides something that so many people are lacking - support. It is through Alcoholics Anonymous that people learn that they're not alone. They may be struggling, but there are so many others who understand and can empathize with them.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings offer some tremendous information to participants and members. The organization has significantly changed so many lives.

AA Meetings in Billings, MT
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the oldest alcohol recovery program in the world. Originally founded by an alcoholic, the program has helped millions recover from addiction. Program participants work through 12 steps, endeavor to understand the disease of addiction, commit to making amends, and dedicate their lives to permanent sobriety. AA is completely free, though participants are encouraged to make small donations. There are meetings going on throughout the day and across the state. You can find an Alcoholics Anonymous group near you, click here.

What is Narcotics Anonymous?
Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women that is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. Both follow the 12 Steps of recovery, but with some variations. NA meetings are for any type of addict, whereas, AA meetings are for alcoholics only.
The only requirement for membership with NA is that you have a desire to stop using drugs. There are different types of meetings to suit different needs. There is a lot of emphasis placed on serving others and on spirituality. For those attending NA meetings, their participation offers an incredible amount of support.
The Importance of NA Meetings
Many drug addicts are not able to get the support they need from their family and friends. This can lead to a lifetime of being stuck in drug addiction. NA meetings meet that need. For drug addicts, going to an NA meeting shows them that they're not alone. They realize that their problems really aren't all that unique. Quite often, new friendships are formed through NA in Billings, MT.
NA Meetings Local to Billings
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a spin-off from AA, and is built around a virtually identical model. Rather than targeting alcohol, though, this program endeavors to combat drug addiction. NA also sponsors drug-specific programs such as Pills Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous. To find your local NA meeting, click here. A few other local resources include:
- Marijuana Anonymous Meetings
- NA Meetings in Montana

What are Al-Anon and Alateen?
Al-Anon is an organization that was developed as a way to support the families of addicts. Family members of all ages are able to come to meetings and get help. They can share their stories with others and find the encouragement they need.
Alateen is a part of Al-Anon, and this organization plays a unique and important role. Alateen was set up as a way to help the teenagers or older children of addicts. Young people often feel more comfortable sharing in a group of people their own age.
Even though Alateen is available, anyone is always welcome to come to an Al-Anon meeting.
Why are Alateen and Al-Anon Meetings Important?
Both Al-Anon and Alateen are very important. Many families have lost hope when a loved one is an addict. They may not know how to act, or what to say when confronted with the addiction. They may constantly worry about their loved one, or even enable the addiction to continue.
Family members need an outlet, and Alateen and Al-Anon provides that for them. People are welcome to come and just listen until they're ready to share. Once they are ready to share, they're encouraged to say as much or as little as they would like. Most of all, they learn that there are others out there just like them. There are people who are willing to help, and even emotionally bear some of the burden.
Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings in Billings
Like other diseases, addiction doesn't just harm the life of the addict. Friends and family can also be swept up in the disease. Loved ones may waste time, money, and resources trying to convince an intractable addict to get clean. Addicts may victimize family members by becoming violent and aggressive, stealing, lying, or abandoning the people they used to love. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon work with people who love addicts to help them understand the disease of addiction, protect themselves with clear boundaries, and live happy lives even if they addict they love never chooses a life of sobriety. The two groups also sponsor Alateen and Naranon, which work with teens who love someone who struggles with addiction.

Drug Support Groups in Billings
No program works for everyone, and NA is no different. NA encourages addicts to rely on a “higher power,” and some people are made uncomfortable by these vague religious references. Others prefer a supplement to the 12 steps. SMART Recovery offers an alternative model.
Northpoint Recovery Can Help
As you can see, there are plenty of options available to you for drug and alcohol treatment. This isn't something that you need to go through on your own. It also doesn't have to cost a lot of money to get the help you need. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are both some great, free options you can utilize.
Did you know that it doesn't have to be expensive to go to drug rehab or alcohol rehab either?

Did you know that it doesn't have to be expensive to go to drug rehab or alcohol rehab either?
At Northpoint Recovery, we specialize in helping our patients get the most out of their insurance plans. We would be happy to verify your insurance for you to see what your coverage is like. You may find that you end up paying much less than you thought rehab would cost. Some people even discover that it doesn't cost them anything at all.
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Have you gotten all the information you need about NA and AA meetings in Billings, Montana? Do you have additional questions about alcohol and drug rehab? We can help you get answers. Please contact us.

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