Detox and Rehab in Idaho for Librium Abuse and Addiction
Librium addiction and abuse have unfortunately become far too common in Idaho.
This drug is a very potent benzodiazepine, and getting off it usually requires professional treatment. A lot of people are surprised to learn this because it is a prescribed medication, but that fact alone contributes to the dangers of it.
Librium can be a very effective medication when it is taken properly. But far too often, people abuse it either on purpose or without realizing the risks involved. Taking this drug recreationally is extremely dangerous, but there are those who use it to get high.
We want to do our part to make people more aware of the dangers of abusing Librium. Abusing this drug can and often does lead to addictions. But the good news is that if people do get addicted to it, the right treatment can make a world of difference.

What is Librium?
Librium is a benzodiazepine medication that has several different uses. Many alcohol detox programs offer it to their patients to help with withdrawal symptoms. For many years, it has been prescribed to people with anxiety disorders.
Librium has a longer half-life than other benzodiazepine drugs. For that reason, doctors frequently prefer it over other options. It is very effective in treating anxiety because it helps to increase serotonin and dopamine levels. The result is that people feel more relaxed and some experience sensations of euphoria.
Like other drugs, Librium does have its practical uses. But anyone who takes it should be careful to adhere to their doctor’s instructions. Increasing the dose is abuse, which can progress into addiction.
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Verify InsuranceHow a Librium Addiction Forms: It Begins With Abuse
Even when Librium is taken in regular doses, it can still become addictive, and for the same reasons that alcohol is addictive. Long term usage of Librium, or taking it at higher dosages can result in dependency and addiction. It does not take long before your brain begins to associate the positive way you feel with your Librium usage, and you can easily build up a tolerance to it. There are a few other factors you can look for to determine if you’re a higher risk to becoming addicted to Librium, and these include:
- If you have been exposed to drug abuse in the past
- If you have a history of physical abuse
- If you have a history of sexual abuse
- If you find that you’re considering taking Librium in ways other than how it was intended to be taken
- If you are under a lot of stress
- If you struggle to cope with challenges in your day to day life
- If you’re taking Librium as a way to cope with addiction
Of course, if you feel that you have become addicted to Librium, you should opt for Librium addiction treatment right away so that you can get help. If you’re not sure, it’s important to understand what the various Librium addiction symptoms are.
Librium Addiction Symptoms: Is Someone You Love Addicted?
Perhaps you’re a friend or a family member of someone who is currently using Librium, and you are concerned. You want to know that he or she is OK, and you fear that your loved one has become addicted to this medication. If you’re not sure, you can look for a few different physical Librium addiction symptoms. If your loved one is complaining of sexual dysfunction, restlessness, depression, problems urinating or jaundice, then it’s possible that an addiction has occurred. An overdose of Librium can lead to breathing difficulties, heart problems, loss of consciousness and even death. If you suspect that your loved one is addicted to this medication, it’s important to try to get him or her to seek professional help right away.
Librium Addiction Behaviors: Recognizing Them and Knowing when to Act
If you’re not sure how to recognize the physical symptoms of Librium addiction, there are certain Librium addiction behaviors that you can look for as well. These include:
- Swift changes in mood
- Demonstrating poor coordination
- Tremors and/or twitching of the muscles
- Being unable to fall asleep at night
- Auditory or visual hallucinations
A Librium addiction can develop fairly rapidly because the drug itself is so potent and effective. If you suspect that someone you love is addicted to Librium because of any of the above Librium addiction behaviors, it’s vital for that individual to get help to quit taking it.
Our Facility and Location
Northpoint Recovery is a state of the art, comfortable and modern inpatient detox and drug rehab facility designed to help our clients get the help they need to overcome addiction.

Librium Withdrawal Symptoms: What They Are and How to Avoid Them
Because Librium has its practical uses, and because it’s a widely prescribed medication, people often become addicted to it without meaning to. Perhaps this is the case for you, and now that you realize that you’re addicted, you want to stop taking it. Addiction can be a very scary situation, but in this case, Librium withdrawal symptoms can be even scarier. These symptoms are more apt to occur when the drug is stopped abruptly, which is why it’s recommended to get help from a Librium addiction treatment center if you want to quit.
Librium withdrawal symptoms are very much like alcohol withdrawal symptoms because of the way the drug works in the body. People will often experience anxiety, changes in weight and panic attacks. In some cases, it’s not uncommon for more serious Librium withdrawal symptoms to manifest, such as irregular heart rate and convulsions.
Does Idaho Have a Benzodiazepine Problem?
The opioid crisis is a problem that has sparked great change all over the United States. Doctors are no longer prescribing painkillers as easily as they once were, and other changes have been made too. Idaho has certainly done its part to fight this national health emergency. But in the process, the number of benzodiazepine prescriptions written has been climbing.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse tells us that:
- In 2015, there were 8,791 overdose deaths that involved benzodiazepines.
- That number was an increase from 1999 when there were only 1,135 overdose deaths that involved them.
- From 1996 to 2013, the number of benzodiazepine prescriptions written increased by 67%.
- That meant that there were 13.5 million of them written in 2013.
- For many of these deaths, both opioids and benzodiazepines were involved.
ABC News shared the story of a woman named Christy Huff, who had been prescribed a benzodiazepine medication. She had an extremely painful eye problem that caused her to have sleep problems. The medication worked wonders.
Christy stayed on one pill per night, as her doctor had ordered. But before long, she started experiencing severe anxiety during the day. It took some time, but she finally realized that she had grown dependent upon the medication. The anxiety she was having was withdrawal, and it only took three weeks.
Christy is not alone. So many people in Idaho are struggling with addictions to Librium and other benzodiazepine drugs. It can feel hopeless once a person becomes dependent on this medication, which is why treatment is the best solution.
Getting Treatment for Librium Addiction in Idaho
Once a person is addicted to Librium – or any benzo, for that matter – they should never stop taking it abruptly. Doing so could bring withdrawal symptoms on quickly, and when left untreated, they can be fatal. That is the biggest reason why we recommend professional detox and rehab.
During drug detox, patients may be placed on a taper of Librium to lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox is highly recommended when stopping the use of benzos because of how severe withdrawal can be. There are several medications that can be used to control symptoms and help people feel better faster.
After detoxing, patients are ready to move on to rehab, which is where even more healing takes place. During the rehabilitation phase of treatment, patients receive many different types of therapy. They work in one-on-one settings with a counselor and in group settings. Family therapy is often recommended, and other forms of treatment may be incorporated as well.
Inpatient Drug Detox and Rehab at Northpoint Recovery
At Northpoint Recovery, we offer one of the best inpatient drug treatment programs in Idaho. We are located in Boise, and because we offer both detox and rehab under one roof, our patients benefit from convenient, effective care.
We understand how hard it is for people to admit they have a drug problem. It can come as quite a shock; especially when a person has been taking Librium appropriately. Our goal is to set people at ease and let them know that we are here to provide them with the help they need.
We participate with many health insurance providers as a way to help keep costs low for our patients. This is just one way that we make it easier for people to get the addiction recovery help they need.
Get Additional Information About Librium Abuse, Addiction and Treatment
At Northpoint Recovery, we want you to know that we are here to provide you with support. You may not have meant to get addicted to Librium, or you may be using it recreationally. Either way, all you need to do is take that first step and admit you have a problem. Once you can do that, we will offer you the help you need to recover.
Do you have questions about Librium addiction and abuse? Would you like more information about our detox and rehab program in Idaho? Please contact us right away.

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