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What is Drug Rehab?

Northpoint Idaho Drug Rehab InteriorPeople from all walks of life enter drug rehab programs every day. Unfortunately, cultural stigmas make it hard to talk about drug use and openly seek treatment. At Northpoint Recovery, we believe in helping Idaho communities recover through a range of drug and alcohol rehab programs.

If you or someone you love needs drug addiction support, Northpoint Idaho can help. Our drug rehab centers across Idaho are here for you and your loved ones. Call us now at 888.296.8976 to learn more about our substance abuse treatment programs.

What Is Drug Rehab?

Drug rehabilitation and addiction recovery combine therapy, examination, counseling, and education. Rehab programs are intended to help clients discover, diagnose, and treat drug addiction and co-occurring disorders. Many programs include medical detox to ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of reuse. Common drug rehab programs include:

  • Inpatient – In this type of program, the patient lives at the clinic and undergoes a rigorous medical detox, nutrition programs, and counseling schedule for a fixed duration. This can last 30-90 days—most people in inpatient programs transition to outpatient or sober living homes.
  • Outpatient – Outpatient programs allow the individual to live at home and receive treatment several times per week at the facility. They spend several hours at the clinic for therapy and medical detox.
  • Intensive Outpatient – While this program allows the patient to live at home, it requires more than double the treatment time each week than standard outpatient programs.
  • Partial Hospitalization – PHP is the most rigorous outpatient program, requiring most of the day to be spent at the clinic.

All types of drug rehab programs generally include:

  • One-on-one counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Medical detox
  • Physical exercise and sports
  • Nutritional education
  • Behavioral therapies like CBT and DBT
  • Anger management
  • Life skills training
  • Aftercare planning
  • Dual diagnosis – specialized treatment for co-occurring disorders such as depression or anxiety

No matter the type of treatment, drug rehab is the safest way to break addiction cycles and survive withdrawal without relapse.

Do I Need Drug Rehab?

Deciding it’s time for drug rehab can be overwhelming. Drug use is a form of self-medication for co-occurring disorders like anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. If you’re using prescription or illicit drugs, these are some signs it’s time for rehab:

  • Drug cravings
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Mood swings
  • Increased drug use
  • Thinking about drugs all the time
  • Hiding drugs
  • Taking prescriptions that aren’t yours
  • Drug-seeking behavior
  • A change in drug tolerance
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Irritability
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling you need drugs to survive
  • Changes in weight
  • Changes in sleep
  • Changes in personal hygiene

Contrary to popular beliefs, drug addiction affects people from all walks of life. Many people living with drug addiction have jobs, families, and schools. This can lead to hiding addiction and putting off treatment. Outpatient programs can help people with busy schedules recover without leaving home.

Start Drug Rehab and Addiction Recovery Treatments in Idaho Today

Don’t let drug addiction keep you from living your life. If you or someone you love needs drug addiction recovery support, call Northpoint Recovery today to learn about our drug rehab centers. With programs across Idaho, we provide extensive inpatient addiction recovery programs.
We focus on dual diagnosis for integrative treatment that makes a difference. With individual, group, and family therapy as well as medical detox, we can help you and your loved ones safely detox and recover.

Call Northpoint Idaho Now to Enroll in Our Drug Rehab Programs

Call us now to start drug rehab at Northpoint, Idaho. Reach us at 888.296.8976 to learn more and get started.